Let's accept for a moment the thesis that Chinese astrology also influences world events. Politicians are born under various signs, just like us. Can their personal challenge escalate into political events? After all, the world will have to stand on its own feet in this year of the Wood Snake.
The Chinese New Year has begun, the Year of the Dragon has replaced the Year of the Wooden Snake. The symbolism of growth, planning, and flexible snake wisdom stands against hardness and snake venom. These influences may also affect the political situation and statesmen. But also on us. Let's take a theoretical look at what this could mean for us.
The symbolism of the wooden Snake wants balance between well-thought-out strategies and power. Do not rush decisions and do not be hasty, please, says the Snake.
Impulsivity, the desire to "bite" can backfire cruelly. It's good for us to take care of our own health, relationships and goals. To keep our direction, our boundaries. It's also a year of unique potentials that can reveal themselves, we'll feel them and go after them. It sounds good, but on a global level it can sound like ...
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Putting things in order at the nursery. We don't know if it will work out!
Also on a global level, this year could mean an increased desire for things to be in order. There were clearly defined boundaries. This is good for resolving conflicts, which will finally be resolved. On the other hand, where injustice and inflexibility or compromised tolerance is felt, conflicts may flare up. Because countries (but also individuals and societies) will clearly feel that this cannot continue. It will probably depend on the actors and their characters. So that the situation does not turn out like in a nursery.
The snake is unreadable
Nobody understands the snake too well. Only the Snake itself, perhaps. The snake is dangerous. Vindictiveness, grievances, lies – these are its bad qualities. But it is also a symbol of healing, strength. Sacred knowledge. In some cultures, it is a bearer of good, elsewhere of evil. In any case, it is thoughtful, conserves energy and is not extreme.
Skin shedding symbolism
Optimism may be in order. Snakes shed their skin, transformations and changes of the outdated, non-functional can literally bring living water into our lives. A breath.
Wood as an element
Wood as an element is usually associated with creativity, growth, connection with nature, and roots. It belongs to the most stable ones. It's malleable, but there's a risk of it being destroyed by fire, i.e. impulsiveness, emotions. Generally, however, wood is positive, it brings that natural growth and shifts.
A snake in connection with the wood element is slower, more introverted, thinks more about the future. Patience while lurking/growing brings the ability to see the right moments and wait.
The Year of the Wooden Snake, therefore, primarily strengthens what is already strong. It brings elements (partners, situations) that we have long been missing for satisfaction into life.
Donald Trump (Dog)
The Dog has the year of the snake marked by stability, initiative, and a drive toward the goal. He will be thrilled about the future, in the tuning of a visionary. The loyalty of the Dog and the wisdom of the Snake can also manifest as a revelation of his real intentions with his life, with the world. We can witness the real Donald Trump.
The only downside is sensitive health, so he should take care of it twice as much with a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, health problems from exhaustion are threatened.
Olaf Scholz (Dog)
Germany could also find a good note with the USA and their president, but it is about how two dogs get along. In the snake year, we must not forget about venomous saliva, it is necessary for two truly wise people to meet. The vision should be woody, growing, clear, firm. A crucial topic between them will be whether they agree on where the boundaries are.
Emmanuel Macron (Snake)
According to the theory that the Snake is unreadable and he himself understands it the best, this politician born under this sign, might have the best position. Overview. Wisdom. But he will be so strict, demanding such a quality that it will not be easy to fulfill it for him. He may differ in opinions with more frivolous politicians. Theoretically, the Dog (Donald Trump, Olaf Scholz) might suit him for negotiations, if they share a common vision of the world direction.
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Xi Jinping (Snake)
His political vision will also depend on where it's headed. The snake is a master of waiting and is patient. The talent of an observer will come in handy in an unstable political situation, and this is what his country is good at. From China, there can emerge very interesting strategic directions, the impacts of which we will see only after many years.
Vladimir Putin (Dragon)
The year in the Snake can bring an enhancement of charisma and admiration. Opportunities for personal growth in case his energy and external ambitions are aligned. That's quite a volatile mix. If someone lends him a helping hand, he is likely to use it in a charming way. This is quite risky in the current situation, it is not a good sign in the position of a dictator in war.
Elon Musk (Boar)
The Boar and the Snake can't get along. Elon better not travel to France. Generally, he may not like the year if he feels in the wake of other people, who don't sit well with him. He should maintain his own ideas, trust his intuition and expand his circle of friends only where he sincerely feels it. He also has the risk of exhaustion. By the way, this connection also brings fertility and children. So we'll see. In the field of business he should definitely succeed. He can influence world history if he has the same visionaries around himself as he is.
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