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Planet Neptune enters the stage! Astronomers have refined its color, which may surprise you. Astrologers, on the other hand, anticipate a more complicated period, which brings not only to world history, but also to personal lives.

For scientists, Neptune has a more friendly color, for astrologers it might be a bit darkened.

Renata Petříčková
24.Jan 2025
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4 minutes

When the Voyager 2 space probe sent images of the planet Neptune in 1986 and 1989, it seemed that this giant was richly blue. Now, scientists have refined their imaging methods and it turns out the color is slightly different. And this planet's influence will soon change from an astrological perspective too. Astrologers predict changes. We will thoroughly discuss them with an astrologer.

Astro Aries

So it's quite a cold sniffer, that Neptune.

In its atmosphere, you would freeze on average at minus 220 °C. It is mainly composed of hydrogen, but there is also a large proportion of water, nitrogen and methane. The internal structure of the planet is rather rocky, and moreover, enriched with water ice, various wandering water frozen fogs are also wandering over the surface of the planet and polar caps are formed.

The blue gem will change its color in textbooks

Until now, we remember Neptune as a wonderfully deep blue planet, almost similar to Earth. But the reality is different, more delicate, softer. Astronomers found out, using more accurate scientific methods, for example by using a spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope and using images from giant telescopes in Chile, that the color is somewhat different. More precise color filters show that Neptune is delicately pastel blue to turquoise. The shade also changes quite visibly depending on the planet's cycle.

Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m
Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m, Praha 1

Changes colors during its phases

It has been found that the planet also changes its color shade during different phases of its orbit. Almost horizontal rotation causes that during the Neptunian solstice the planet is greener, as it has "caps" of methane ice vapor. At equinoxes, on the other hand, it appears bluer. Each season on Neptune lasts about forty years, it orbits in about 164 years.

Uranus also looks different

The investigation involved not only Neptune but also its other giant, icy neighbor, the planet Uranus. It also, with the vision of new methods, has a somewhat different shade. From originally pale turquoise planet, is an even more delicate object, the planet has, let's say, only a subtle color hue.

Neptune is drawing attention this year from an astrological standpoint.

Neptune as a Symbol

Symbolically, it is the planet of system changes that one clings too much to. It demolishes the old, loosens up, to make something more suitable work. From the astrological point of view, it is a newer symbol, because the planet was discovered only in modern times.

Simply, if you have a good position of this planet in your horoscope, you will be literally discoverers, propagators, and timeless. With a chaotic position, you will feel in chaos, even if it is calm around you.

Does the destructive period begin?

In March of this year, this planet will enter the sign of Aries. There may occur power without respect for moral principles. Strong desires might be aggressively promoted. Perfect handling of Neptune's influence in Aries can be imagined like refined martial arts, merging of a calm wise mind and power.

Will it bring us social crisis or rejuvenation of society? I asked the astrologer Michaela Kudláčková. Because other planets also have an influence.

Pronájem bytu 2+kk, Praha 8 - 51
Pronájem bytu 2+kk, Praha 8 - 51, Praha 8

"Personally, I would have expected more positives. And not because of my inherent Leo-natured vision of always seeing the better part, but because of that same position, plus the position of other planets.
In May, Saturn will also move into Aries, and he will not tolerate anything illegal in this position. Well, he never does, but in Pisces, where he is now, he tends to just express, define, comment, but not act.
Well, Aries is the mercenary and he is here for deeds."

What can this transition mean for society as a whole?

"Neptune is terribly slow. It's a planet for generations. It's a sluggard. If he anchors somewhere, he sticks there for a lot, usually 14 years. It therefore influences an entire generation...

...Neptune is the planet of visions. For astrologers, it's complicated in transits. In the natal horoscope, it affects the ability to realize one's dreams, their quality, foresight in terms of intuition, as well as life moral attitudes. Therefore, it is crucial what and how it is surrounded.

For example, Hitler had a powerful Neptune, it even seemed to swallow his pragmatic part of personality despite he was a Taurus.
He was a visionary, and because his horoscope overall was, let's say really ... well, bad, his visions took the shape they took.
At the same time, he was (and that is, that Neptune needs beauty around it to be beautiful) very artistically gifted. Well, and here we are...why didn't he become a painter? Because Neptune was poorly positioned.

In itself, Neptune in a certain position is little (it's also there for a long time) that shape, that form is given to it by what is around it.

And because there will be an action-set Saturn, well-positioned Venus, Uranus, and especially Jupiter next to it, I would be optimistic," explains the astrologer with an example.

It occurred to me to look into history. Previous Neptune in Aries? The last time Neptune was in Aries was 164 years ago, in 1861, the North versus South war, the first telephone was born, and Nikola Tesla was experiencing his childhood.

So can this influence be seen in it?

"Yes. But he wasn't there for a year... and the North-South war lasted 4 years, as far as I know. Result? A huge shift within the United States and the abolition of slavery, just to name a few."

And what can it bring us in terms of personal horoscopes, into ordinary lives, what topics will it dig up on the surface?

"At least we should want to fulfill our dreams and visions, no matter what. Neptune doesn't ask about feasibility, but Saturn does! Well, in this position of these two planets, we'll at least try. "

Considering other planets, we will be very active, determined, courageous. New agreements may arise, new arrangements, new directions, discoveries, revolutionary findings.
In terms of international organizations and groupings, unprecedented changes may occur. Changes that those states might have feared before.
Yes, there can also be a war conflict, or pressure, shooting, and so on, but, considering the overall horoscope, the effect should not be a retreat, but forward, as if to growth, or maturation, to the recognition of the new and a shift from the old.

Our personal adjustment will be the desire for education, study, progress, ambition, courage to take some step... just to act and not be afraid. (Birth rates will increase. Perhaps, within those discoveries we will figure out how to be self-fertilizing :D ),"

completes Michaela Kudláčková her reflection on the exact positions of planets and the influence of Neptune, which awaits us and the next generations soon.

Source: Author's article, own questioning,,,

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