The Our Lungs Foundation ceremoniously handed over a breathing vest to Anička, who suffers from a rare lung disease, with the participation of the moderator Marek Eben.
Seven-year-old Anička, who suffers from a rare lung disease, received hope for a better life thanks to generous donors. The Our Lungs Foundation, with the help of presenter Marek Eben, handed over a special breathing vest worth 248 917 CZK. The Our Lungs Foundation, founded in 2020, also won the battle to protect its name, which it won in court proceedings against the later established patient organization My Lungs, z.s., which therefore has to change its name to avoid confusion. The ceremonial handover took place at the family hotel Embassy in Karlovy Vary and the device will significantly facilitate Anička's coughing and everyday functioning.
Seven-year-old Anička has been suffering from a rare lung disease called bronchiectasis since she was three. At first glance, it might seem that Anička has lungs just like any other little girl, but the opposite is true. Bronchiectasis fills her lungs with mucus and reduces lung capacity. How can you imagine such bronchiectasis? The lungs are a spongy tissue, where the pulmonary alveoli are. The bronchiectasis are cavities. Anička already has them set up as if she had hollow grape wine inside. It degrades that lung tissue and mucus is formed, Anička's family explains.
Her case is very unusual, as it is not common for this serious disease to occur in such a young child. "Anička's disease can affect a child when they are 15, 18 or in adulthood, but we rarely encounter bronchiectasis at such a young age, these are really only a few, perhaps dozens of cases, that we have in the Czech Republic, so it's exceptionally problematic in Anička's case," explains Anička's doctor, MUDr. Václav Koucký, Ph.D., working at the Pediatric Clinic of the Second Medical Faculty of Charles University and the University Hospital in Motol.
I had no idea such a disease existed. It's a kind of disease I had no idea was in the world at all. When you then get to know Anička and see her, she is just as sweet and lively a child as any other child. It's great when you can do something that will obviously help her live the same life as other children do. It always pains one when someone, without deserving it, is given certain burden they must carry. And if you can alleviate that a little and help in any way, then it's good to do that,
Moderator Marek Eben stated, who ceremoniously handed over the breathing vest to Anička in Karlovy Vary at the Embassy hotel.
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So far, she had aids that only partially helped her, which is why the Our Lungs foundation decided to organize a collection for an oscillating vest, which will help her with coughing and will make her life easier.
She has a permanently reduced lung capacity of about 75%. Depending on the mucus, it ranges from 50 to those 75%, so the vest actually helps her with coughing, and then she breathes much easier and does not get out of breath as much. She can normally do sports and move around,
Dad explained to Anička.
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Breathing vest for seven-year-old Anička from the Our Lungs Foundation FundSource: Redakce LP-Life
The collection elicited great solidarity from people and even more was collected than was needed. All surplus money that the endowment fund obtained is going to another collection that is currently being worked on.
We decided on Anička because the device that she needs is a case that the insurance company unfortunately doesn't cover. This time 158 people contributed and we didn't expect such a large turnout. We are grateful to all donors. Please stay with us because there are more cases like this,
says the founder of the Our Lungs Foundation, Elena Jakubovič.
I think, it's something that Czech nation can be truly proud of. We are quite generous. I see it in many ways. I believe that Czechs, when someone has some handicap, some trouble, or is in acute distress, they don't hesitate and are willing to help very generously, Marek Eben was touched.
The first year was the worst for the family
Anička has three siblings, and just as doctors diagnosed her disease, another devastating news came for the family. Her nine-year-old sibling was diagnosed with cancer.
The first year was extremely challenging, because at the same time as Anička's illness, we found out that our older son has cancer, so we treated him in oncology,
recalled Anička's father in an interview.
It was a very difficult time for the whole family, but in the end everything turned out well and the son has been healthy for two years. As mother herself says: „Now we are stable, it's good, and it can always be worse.“
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Vesta brought incredible joy to both parents and Anička
We were happy. I was at work and my girlfriend was watching it at home. She phoned me right away when it happened. We watched it carefully and we were glad that it worked out,
Anička's mom's boyfriend rejoiced.
The joy in Anička's eyes, when she saw that she was getting the breathing vest in pink, which was her dream, was indescribable.
I am so very happy, thank you,
says Anička and her mother adds: "I would really like to thank everyone who donated to the collection and gave Anička a much better life."
For the Our Lungs Foundation, this was already the fifth successful collection, which helped for easier life. Since its founding in 2020 in Covid, they managed to donate more than one million crowns. However, Anička's collection ranks among the most successful.
The Our Lungs Foundation Fund is unique
The Our Lungs Foundation Fund, established in 2020, won the battle to protect its name, which it won in a court case against the later established patient organization My Lungs, z.s., which therefore has to change its name to avoid confusion. Since both of the mentioned organizations operate in a comparable market and their purpose is to help and support people suffering from lung disease, there could be confusion and a false impression on the public due to a similar name.
The collection for the Our Lungs Foundation was successful, despite its operations being significantly complicated in the past year.
said the founder of the Our Lungs Foundation, Elena Jakubovič.
Source: author's text, own questioning, editorial staff
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