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White truffles, caviar and steak from Japanese beef: a luxury “Valentine’s menu”

Mgr. Jana Höger
9. 2. 2018
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2 minutes
Černý kaviár luxusní delikatesy

If you long for the perfect gourmet experience combined with a large dose of luxury, don’t be afraid to experiment. Try to get hold of or treat yourself to some unusual products which will literally shoot you all the way to seventh heaven with their properties and flavours.

White truffle – unsightly, but imposing of flavour

Truffles are in general a very rare type of mushroom which grows underground, usually near the roots of certain deciduous trees. Its shape is reminiscent of a relatively unsightly potato, but the centre hides what is literally a luxurious treasure chest of flavour. If you love more pungent and more intense flavours, you have come to the right place. White truffle is in particular found in northern Italy, the most-highly-prized and tastiest only in the Piedmont region. The price per kilogramme of the rarest type ranges from EUR 2,000 to EUR 4,000. This is a truly rare and delicious decoration for any festive spread.  

Černý kaviár
Steak z japonské krávy
Bílý lanýž

Black gold in the form of caviar is a true delicacy

Caviar grains are firm, taste of iodine and have a balanced saltiness. The whole intensity of caviar develops in the mouth in subtle nutty tones. Its typical appearance is shiny. This is a description of incomparable quality. It still holds true that the promised land, as far as caviar is concerned, is France. Have you had the opportunity to try Sturia caviar, Impérial De France caviar or caviar from Russia? Caviar of the very highest quality is made only from sturgeon. There are twenty-four types of sturgeon in the world but genuine caviar is only gained from three of them, these being the European sturgeon (Beluga) which is regarded as the most expensive in the world and also the Ossetra sturgeon (Ossetra). This caviar is characterised by its nutty aroma. Last but not least, caviar is gained from the stellate sturgeon (Sevruga). Caviar from this type of sturgeon boasts a distinct, spicy aroma.

Luxusní byt 4+kk na prodej se zahrádkou, Praha
Luxusní byt 4+kk na prodej se zahrádkou, Praha, Praha 7

Luxury steak from Japanese beef

Thanks to breeding and life under specific breeding conditions, people sometimes saying that these animals are almost pampered, products from Japanese cows offer a unique quality. This type of beef comes from Wagyu cattle from Tajima lineage. This is regarded as the highest quality beef of all, this in particular being thanks to the distinct fat marbling. It is these veins of fat which are responsible for the delicious flavour, delicacy and tenderness of the meat. You can pay exorbitant sums of up to CZK 7,000 for a single steak.

Who could resist these luxurious delicacies?

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This town can boast of a distant past, spiced by a unique Jewish cemetery. Also worthwhile is to mention the luxury Basilica of St Prokop from the ancient Roman times. The two historical sights are entered on the UNESCO list.

Beauty Spots of the Czech Republic on the UNESCO List: Třebíč as a Town of Great History

Mgr. Jana Höger
09.Apr 2018
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1 minute
Třebíč, the Basilica of St. Prokop

Heritage of the times past: the uniqueness of the city of luxury

Today's generations is reminded of values that need to be protected. The Jewish cemetery is a silent reminder of the life of one nationality, ostracised in the past and encountering difficult fate. The lives of many were violently cut-off, others finished their life´s journey peacefully. The cemetery is graced by typical Judaic tombstones with the oldest date of 1631, in the total number of three thousand. Its area and the number of graves (11,000) ranks it among the largest in our country.

The gravestones themselves document by their visual concept the development of a Jewish tombstone up to the 1940´s. Also worth seeing are large family crypts but also small gravestones, giant obelisks or baroque tombstones. In the first half of a tombstone is usually chiselled a relief associated with the family, employment of character of the deceased. There is also a memorial to the victims of racial genocide during World War II. 

The Basilica of St. Prokop

If you visit Třebíč, remember to explore the luxury Romanesque-Gothic religious building. It was founded at a time when France discovered the Gothic beauty, but in Germany such buildings are reminiscent of classical antiquity.

The luxurious basilica initially reflected the German influences, but after twenty years of work, in 1241, there was a turning point. There appear the first elongated windows, daring octagonal vaults, rosette window like in the Chartres Cathedral. It served religious activities for 200 years, but in 1462 it perished in fire and with the evicting of the last monks it begins in the 15th century to have a secular character. Therefore a brewery was established within the basilica, later also stables, the castle kitchen and a laundry. Return to its original purpose and faded glory was again achieved thanks to the noble family of Waldstein, who in the 17th century appointed the experienced architect Kaňka to renovate the building.

The aforementioned monuments highlight the majesty of human life. They are values of the high aesthetics with a spiritual dimension. Look at luxury in a different way.

Prodej luxusního bytu 3kk v Pařížské ulici
Prodej luxusního bytu 3kk v Pařížské ulici, Praha 1
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