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Do you like luxury toy dogs? Chihuahua is probably the most famous ´handbag´ breed, quite understandably popular mainly among the female population.

In Ancient Times, Chihuahuas Had Been Worshipped by South-American Indians!

Eva Ledecká
16.Feb 2018
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1 minute
Chihuahua is so cute...

Unfortunately we are usually most influenced by the first impression. And not only when assessing people, but dogs, too. However, one may be very surprised at how some breeds (or even people) eventually turn out. In the case of Chihuahuas you can only be surprised in the good sense of the word. 

Chihuahua likes fashion
So cool
Look at this  :)

Many people get goose bumps only just hearing the word. If you are one of them, try to get away from universal clichés and forget them for a bit. Chihuahua is a luxurious toy dog with a cute look and the fact that due to its size it cannot possibly be a guard dog must not be held against them! We have provided below a few plus points about this cute creature.

1. Chihuahua considers her mistress to be the centre of the universe

Chihuahua absolutely adores her owner because her love for man is rooted very deeply indeed. Even if she has a luxury canine partner by her side, you will always be number one - for both of them! South American Indians depicted these toy dogs on ceramics as well as statues because it was Chihuahuas who stood alongside the deceased chiefs, when their soul passed away.

Prodej luxusního mezonetu 4 + 1, Praha
Prodej luxusního mezonetu 4 + 1, Praha, Praha 5

2. Chihuahua will not bother you with demands of long walks

This small loveable toy dog does not need to run kilometres along your bike like a greyhound or catch a frisbee for half a day like a husky. Her needs may be fully satisfied by a tiny garden or an apartment (even a small bedsit will do). So, apart from the quick trip to do her business you don´t have to march in rain, a fact appreciated especially by those who do not particularly care for long hikes.

3. Chihuahuas may be trained!

Yes, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Although it may seem that this breed was created to peep out of luxurious colourful handbags, it is not their fault! This is only due to her size and looks. However, a Chihuahua is a dog and every dog is trainable! Maybe it requires a little patience, but you can teach her basic commands just like any other breed. But better leave out the ´stay´ and ´wait´ commands! In a blink of an eye someone may put your small canine friend into a luxury bag and that will be that!

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