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Take a look at the inspirational interview with successful entrepreneur Jiří Stopka, who deals with luxury designer furniture.

There are always plenty of ideas. You just have to look around, says successful entrepreneur Jiří Stopka.

Petr Bartík
17.Apr 2024
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4 minutes

In today's, at times quite intimate, interview, we introduce you to the successful businessman Jiří Stopka. Mr. Stopka is the founder and owner of a company of the same name, which specializes in the sale of luxury designer furniture. When he was taking us through his company and showing us individual pieces, we did not want to leave after the interview. Watch the video and find out why. We talked with Mr. Stopka about his beginnings in entrepreneurship, but perhaps also about what he would advise starting entrepreneurs, or what he would have done differently in the past.

Jiří Stopka

Firstly, let me thank you for accepting the invitation for an interview. I would really like this interview to serve as inspiration for young people who have an ambition to do business maybe like you. And so that you could offer them some sort of pathway, a possible instruction, or inspiration on how to start. I must say, I was very intrigued by this table. What kind of piece is it?

This table is made of kauri wood. These are trees that sprouted into swamps many years ago, approximately 48,000 years ago and were preserved there. It's a total unique piece. It's not a typical tree. It's a timber located in swamps, so it is mined by diggers in New Zealand. This is the only place in the world so far that has produced this wealth. These trunks are harvested, then cut into such slabs, and the client has the opportunity to choose based on the picture, which piece of wood they like. It is then transported to Italy where it is worked on and filled with resin. And thus such an essentially piece of art is created, which does not lose its value. Since it is only a limited amount, its value is constantly increasing.

Prodej bytové jednotky 2x 1+kk, Praha
Prodej bytové jednotky 2x 1+kk, Praha, Praha 2

That's absolutely unbelievable. I'm just wondering if you can tell me how long it takes to make such a table.

There is obviously a logistical issue. First it has to be mined in New Zealand, then it has to be transported to Italy. And then comes the actual processing, which is not such a long process. It's maybe 14 days. And the actual delivery, if the client does not choose from some pieces that are available in Italy, then you just have to wait for it to be brought from New Zealand. It can easily take half a year.

I definitely think it's worth waiting for such a beautiful table. Let's get to the introduction itself. Why did you, Mr. Stopko, start doing business? What led you to it? And why furniture specifically?

My story is probably going to be different from the stories of young people today, because like many entrepreneurs in my age group, I started doing business in socialism and capitalism. So, I was mainly involved in metal processing before 1989. I was originally a machinist. At that time, I considered it more of a hobby, or it could be called a sideman. I manufactured railings, various metal cabinets. Sometimes I combined it with glass too. When the revolution came, I got a business license. And I started working in that field, it could be called artistic blacksmithing. Mostly the processing of brass. At that time, the polished brass, it could be called shiny gold, was very attractive. In the beginning, we made shops, booths. I developed a kind of constructional system for counters, display cases. And we were furnishing booths. After some time, the owners of these boutiques made their first money, then they started to deal with their home. And that's where we started gradually. We started with kitchens, because I like to cook. So I thought, what if we tried kitchens. That we would start to produce those kitchens. And gradually we started to import them. And then it started to expand further into the entire interior. But I would still say that the time practically asked for it. At that time, one had to decide. Companies were not yet in place, they were just emerging, so many people started doing business. Some people waited, then became employees. It is fundamentally different today. I would say there are completely different opportunities. Young people, when they start a business, have a good idea, usually in the field of technology, so the start can be very fast. And can earn completely different money than it was for us. For us, it always had to be slow. Unless someone borrowed money and then didn't return it (laughter). Today there may be more interesting opportunities, but it's much more complicated. So it can't be said which era is better. I say there are always opportunities.

I can only agree with that. Listening to you, it sounds like you're quite an artistic soul. Is that so?

Yes. I'm the type who enjoys design. I generally like architecture, I enjoy artistic objects. Which doesn't quite match running a company.

I was just thinking about that. Whether it somewhat contradicts.

It does contradict indeed (laughter). Mostly people who incline towards design, they do not incline towards managerial processes. That's why my brother Miroslav has been in charge for 25 years now. He is responsible for running the company. And I am responsible for development and what will come next. Visions, communication with clients.

You've already slightly touched on my next question. I would like to ask, what does your typical working day look like? Because, if some people who also want to start a business are listening to us, they may not be able to fully imagine it. What does the day of a person who runs their own business look like.

Of course, the situation is changing, thank God (laughter). In the beginning, it was from morning to evening. Seven days a week. One wanted to prove something and move it forward. I would say that this is a fundamental difference between the past and the present. Today, young people are not willing to devote so much time to it.

Are you thinking?

I do not think so, exactly. Today, the focus is more on a balanced life. Family, fun, work. At that time it was just work, nothing else.

Indeed, today there is a lot of emphasis on balance.

Are you interested in how our conversation continues? Listen to the full interview now.

Source: own questioning

Fast confession:

Recognition or discovery?

Probably discovery.

Interior or exterior?

Interior for sure in our case.

Employment or entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship in my case.

Small house or big flat?

That's a tougher answer, because it depends on how many household members there are. What kind of demands one has. Personally, I prefer a medium-sized house.

Renovation or destruction?


Beauty or salvation?

Probably beauty.

Light or dark colors?

Again, it depends on the situation. If it's light, I prefer dark. If it's less bright, definitely light.

Modern or classic?


Big TV and small couch, or small TV and big couch?

They don't give much on TV (laughs). So I think small TV and a big couch.

Design or functionality?

Again, it depends. There must be a bit of everything. It must be a good design, but design without functionality doesn't work. So it has to be both. Both design and functionality.

Kitchen or living room?

I prefer the kitchen, because I like cooking. I'm closer to them. But the living room is also important.

Should the mobile phones be in the bedroom? Yes or no?

I think not.

Should every child have their own room? Yes or no?

Absolutely yes, if possible.

Living in the city or in the countryside?

I might answer this a bit differently. Flat in the city and house in the countryside.

And what would you ask me?

Because we are here in a design studio, what is your relationship to design?
I must say that I also consider myself an artistic spirit, so I would say very positive.
I'm glad to hear that (laughs).
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