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Easter is a favourite holy period in many parts of the world. It is a spring holiday, which is integral to the Christian tradition.

The Reynek Bible is a treasure not only during the Easter period

Mgr. Jana Höger
01.Apr 2018
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2 minutes

Pascha – Do you know the real story?

This word derives from the Jewish word Pesach or English Passover. Many thousands of years of ago there were Jews living in Egypt. After many troubles they decided to leave Egypt one night, because they no longer wanted to endure slavery. This night was so important to the Jews that they began to call it the Pesach. This holy day was and is linked to the concept of freedom.

The Bible is a treasure of itself

And the deluxe Reynek Bible is an elite rare bible, enhanced by the mastery of its translators, the beauty of the graphic drawings by B. Reynek, the art of the artistic printers and the craftwork of the master bookbinders. Look into the mysteries of its birth.

Turn the leaves and start to read voraciously and the words will be engraved in your heart.

You will quickly understand when you hold this volume in your hands. You will experience the spiritual and aesthetic impressiveness of the bible. Yes, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. (Jan 1.1-3). The word has unbelievable power. It affects us deep in our heart. This bible is linked to a new print from the original matrix engraved by Bohuslav Reynek, which was exceptionally loaned by the Reynek Foundation.

Gold is also luxurious

The beautiful gold edging stamped with the name of Reynek is magnificent. Each volume was carefully examined, numbered and sealed with a special paper seal, which only the new owner was permitted to open. The highest-quality real leather, embellished with a raised stamp of crosses. It is interesting that leather from cows kept on pastures without thorny growth was used. The Reynek Bibles were bound by the Richard Mayer bookbinders in Esslingen in Germany.

Bohuslav Reynek as an artist

This unique edition of the deluxe Bible also contains a set of over a hundred perfectly reproduced graphic drawing by important Czech artists and poet Bohuslav Reynek, which have not been published before in this form. The bible contains texts from the Jerusalem Bible, the content of which is translated from French. The result of thirty years of work by a team led by husband and wife F.X. And D. Halas.

Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany
Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany, Praha 4

Limited edition

This deluxe collector’s edition of the Bible costs 65,000 Czech Crowns. It weighs an impressive 5.7 kg, contains 912 pages and its dimensions are 26 x 34.2 cm. The Bible was published as a limited edition of a total of 250 items.

A family treasure for all generations!

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