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Reportage from St. Matthew's Fair: Not much has Changed in 20 Years!

Eva Ledecká
01.Mar 2019
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2 minutes
With the paper rose

St Matthew´s fair is a Prague phenomenon. Every year at the end of February the gate of Holešovice exhibition grounds opens to those who like candy floss, roller coasters, houses of horror, Ferris wheels, bumping cars, carousels, shooting galleries with paper roses, all possible kinds of swings, and adrenaline at a height of 80 meters. After more than 20 years, I too have headed there this year. And here I am. With a paper rose in front of a stand with gingerbread hearts. Just like it was at the end of last century!

In today's fast and constantly changing time St. Matthew´s fair may seem like a balm for the soul. It is one of few certainties one can still rely on. Here things don´t change much! Only the ancient rollercoaster and the legendary "historical" Ferris wheel are not here any longer.

Firstly, one is stricken by the admission fee!

It is only 30 crowns! Behind the gates there is a gradual start: several stands with refreshments, attractions for small children, some “gambling games” to win a plush teddy bear, stands with “Eastern sweets”, which are basically classic chocolate bonbons and Marshmallow strips. In a small round enclosure there are ponies for children and a bit further on horses, offering rides to older children.

Pronájem mezonetu Josefov 2+kk, Praha
Pronájem mezonetu Josefov 2+kk, Praha, Praha 1

At the farther end of the exhibition ground there are adrenalin attractions

One of them is for example a classic chain carousel spinning at a height of 80 meters, a mast with a funicular which allows you to experience a free fall and cabins guaranteeing that you will occasionally hang head down somewhere between earth and sky - the name speaks for itself: KAMIKAZE!

In addition, there are haunted castles, which deliver a dose of adrenaline to children of around 3 years of age and a lot of shooting galleries and other games where you have to hit something in order to be able to take home with you some plastic or plush toy prize.

"Come to try to throw the hoops! Shoot a rose for your lady! Come on in and take a ride!" - You can hear every step of the way.

The bottom line is that you can have fun here in the afternoon with or without children. And I will come and check it out after another 20 years! Below I attach the price list of attractions and refreshments. 

Pronájem luxusního bytu 3+kk Pařížská, Praha
Pronájem luxusního bytu 3+kk Pařížská, Praha, Praha 1

Prices of attractions:

Carousels for the smallest kids: approx. CZK 50,-

Haunted castle: CZK 40,-

Bumping cars: CZK 60,-

Shooting gallery: 5 shots for CZK 50,-

Swan ride: CZK 50,-

Adrenaline attractions: CZK 100 - 150,-

Prices of refreshments:

Sausage: CZK 90,-

Lángos: CZK 50 - 60,-

Panini with bacon: CZK 55,-

Hamburger: CZK 60 - 100,-

Potato coils: CZK 50,-

Beer: CZK 30 - 50,-

Hot dog: CZK 30,-

Mulled wine: CZK 40,-

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