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Prague presented a study of the Railway Promenade and the Line Park in Vršovice and Strašnice.


Prague will have a promenade instead of a railway track! It should resemble the High Line suspended park in NY .

Linda Veselá
26. 11. 2020
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2 minutes
Lidé v parku na kole

As soon as in 2024, the inhabitants of Prague should get a new promenade! Pedestrians, cycling and rollerblading enthusiasts alike, as well all those who like to spend time surrounded by beautiful greenery will have every reason to be excited about it. The promenade is to lead from Strašnice and Hostivař to the Vršovice railway station.


Žena běhá
Drážní promenáda a liniový park ve Vršovicích

"Four kilometers of separate paths for pedestrians and cyclists, fully barrier-free at that, will be created. I think this is one of the most important projects in the field of sustainable transport of cyclists and pedestrians that will emerge in the capital in the following decade,"

said the Mayor's Deputy for Transport Adam Scheinherr.

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Drážní promenáda a liniový park
Drážní promenáda a liniový parkSource: Magistrát Hlavního města Prahy

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Drážní promenáda a liniový park ze shora
Drážní promenáda a liniový park ze shoraSource: Magistrát Hlavního města Prahy

Just like in New York

He likened the newly emerging railroad promenade to New York's High Line - a suspended park on the site of a former railroad track on the island of Manhattan. "There's a bit of a connection to the High Line, where we use a nostalgic component, but at the same time we add a new function," added Scheinherr.

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Park The High Line
Park The High LineSource: Profimedia

Commuting to work as well as beautiful greenery

According to him, the new function is that next to walking and running down the promenade or taking the opportunity to relax, people will also be able to use it for riding their bike to work every day. The promenade connects Prague 10 with Prague 2, 4, 10 and 15. It will allow people to get to the Eden stadium, Ďolíček, Gutovka, or to individual parks by bike or on foot.

However, according to the mayor of Prague 10, Renata Chmelová, the park will also offer new places to relax or meet.

"We don't imagine only a bike path - people will be able to access it both by bike and on foot, and at the same time there will be beautiful green places,"

she explained.

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Žena v parku na kole
Žena v parku na koleSource:

Costs will reach 200 to 300 million crowns

The idea of ​​creating a railway promenade was born in 2013 together with information that the railway line was about to be closed down. At the end of 2017, a technical feasibility study was created. In 2018, the plan was approved by the city council. Construction works could begin as soon as the year after the next.

The costs are estimated at 200 to 300 million crowns. In 2024 at the latest, we should be able to take a walk along the promenade.

The history of the railway will be preserved

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Drážní promenáda a liniový park nabídne dvě cesty
Drážní promenáda a liniový park nabídne dvě cestySource: Magistrát Hlavního města Prahy

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Drážní promenáda a liniový park v noci
Drážní promenáda a liniový park v nociSource: Magistrát Hlavního města Prahy

The author of the presented study is Tomáš Cach.

"The basis will be a four-kilometer-long track. The design newly transforms two tracks into two lanes - a faster and a slower one. They will be separated by a strip of vegetation,"

described Cach. However, the promenade will also retain the history of the 150-year-old railway, which it is about to replace. Parts of the track will be preserved in several places, and so will signals and railway signs. The railway stop Strašnice will then offer a bit of everything, preserving a couple of elements from each individual period.

In addition to the promenade itself, three new footbridges will grow here. One right next to Eden, another in the street area in Koryty. The last, and at the same time the largest, will be on Průběžná. The size of the footbridges will be increasing from the city center outwards.

Why will the railway track be closed down?

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Žena ve vlaku
Žena ve vlakuSource:

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Železniční trať
Železniční traťSource: Magistrát Hlavního města Prahy

The Strašnice railway, including the train stop, will cease to operate in December, due to the emerging new railway corridor between Vršovice and Hostivař. The planned seven-kilometer section will be the first four-track line in the Czech Republic. New railway stops are also planned, for example in Eden or in the Garden City.

Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 232m2
Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 232m2, Praha 6


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