Last year he became a father for the second time, but he doesn't slow down at work. Orlando Bloom has starred in a great number of blockbusters and proven that he can portray any role. The days when he used to be cast in major films just because of his good looks are long gone.
His childhood wasn't a walk in the park
Orlando was born on January 13, 1977 in the English city of Canterbury, which has a population of only 55,000. In his early childhood, fate put him to a severe trial. His father died when Orlando was just four years old. It wasn't until his teenage years that he learned from his mother that his biological father was actually Colin Stone, with whom his mother Sonia had officially reunited after Harry Bloom's death. Another problem for young Orlando was congenital dyslexia, a specific learning disability that made it difficult for him to study. Despite his dyslexic problems, Orlando thrived at the local theater and small acting festivals. At the age of sixteen, he moved to London, where he joined the National Youth Theater, a springboard for talented young actors between the ages of 14 and 25 from all over the UK.
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Orlando Bloom jako LegolasSource:
Legolas and Will Turner
The ambitious young actor experienced one of the steepest career rises in the history of Hollywood. In 1997, he got a chance to portray a young gay man in a biographical film about the life of Oscar Wild. He kept learning and gaining more contacts. A year later, Orlando suffered a serious injury and damaged his spine. Fortunately, he didn't have any permanent consequences, which enabled the birth of his legendary roles, which he certainly wouldn't have gotten, had he been medically indisposed. Orlando has found his way into the hearts of millions of moviegoers around the world as the handsome elf Legolas from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the two films about The Hobbit. He was originally supposed to play Faramir, but director Peter Jackson eventually decided to cast him in one of the main roles instead, which kickstarted his stellar career. A few years later, Orlando rose to stardom as Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean, Paris in Troy, or Knight Balian of Ibelin in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The women of his life
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Orlando Bloom se snoubenkou Katy PerrySource:
Ever since the very first scenes of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring had been shot, it was obvious that a new ladies' man was in the making. Orlando was getting offers for one lead role after another, and in 2010 he married Australian model Miranda Kerr, one of the prestigious Victoria's Secret angels. The two of them belonged to the most photogenic couples in the world of show business, and when their son Flynn Christopher was born in January 2011, their happiness seemed unbreakable. In 2013, however, a shocking breakup followed, after which Orlando was associated with many beautiful women.
However, it wasn't until 2016 that he officially confirmed his relationship with American pop singer Katy Perry. The following year, another breakup came, but the couple found their way back together, and they got engaged on Valentine's Day two years ago. The coronavirus pandemic thwarted their wedding plans last year. Nevertheless, the couple had all the reasons to celebrate, as their daughter Daisy Dove was born at the end of last summer.
"We are floating with love and wonder,"
the couple in love announced back then. Orlando had previously admitted that their relationship was like riding a roller coaster and beautiful moments took turns with crisis situations. Katy herself admitted that despite her relationship with Bloom, she often fell into depression and Orlando wasn't very emotionally stable either. But they have come a long way together, and they'd love to take their relationship to the next level by getting married in Japan, as soon as the pandemic situation in the world allows them to do so.
An ageless charmer that doesn't need to prove himself anymore
Although Orlando has stated several times in the past that what interested him about acting was the attention he was getting from women rather than finances, he hasn't slowed down at work even after forty. He celebrated his round birthday in 2017 with the role of Juju Peppi in the satirical comedy Tour de Doping, where he once again demonstrated his great acting talent and growth. Last year, he played one of the main roles in the war drama The Outpost and attracted huge attention in the fantasy horror series Carnival Row, which was shot in the Czech Republic. He excells in the role of a soldier, Phil, alongside Cara Delevingne. Amazon Prime subscribers have already received 8 episodes of the first season of the series with a huge budget. The coronavirus pandemic interrupted the shooting of the second season.
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Vyslanec dobré vůle organizace UNICEF, Orlando BloomSource:
The charismatic actor didn't use his fame only to win the hearts of beautiful ladies such as Helena Christensen, Selena Gomez, Penélope Cruz, or his ex-wife Miranda Kerr and his future wife Katy Perry, but also for charity purposes. He has been active as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since October 2009, after having supported the the organisation for several years. In 2015, he received The Britannia Humanitarian Award at the BAFTA Awards. A year later, he even visited children in the front line in eastern Ukraine. His fiancée is also involved in various charity organizations.
"Being a sex symbol is what everyone dreams of. That way you can take revenge on all the girls who rejected you at school,"
Orlando joked about his popularity with women a few years ago.
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