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The oldest science on canvas: the exhibition The Transformation of Geometry (until 31.3.)

Eva Ledecká
08.Jan 2019
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Zdeněk Sýkora, 3rd Phase, 1997, screen printing, 70 × 70 cm

The Gallery of the Capital City of Prague on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Library presents works by 160 artists from the Czech Republic and abroad that share one theme: Geometry. Do not miss a unique exhibition of works from major private art collections.

Geometry is considered to be the oldest scientific discipline

It was used by ancient civilizations, especially in agriculture and construction. Geometry is the cornerstone of architecture, and in art it is most applied in Cubism. Geometric shapes are a central feature of works by contemporary authors, and modern art often cannot do without them.

The Municipal Library will exhibit works from two major collections

These are works from the private collections of Siegfried Grauwinkel from Berlin and Miroslav Velfl from Prague. Siegfried Grauwinkel has been collecting his collection of luxury pieces for more than 30 years. From an originally broader concept, he eventually focused on specific art and geometric forms. The Czech collector, Miroslav Velfl, also shifted his focus from broader artwork to the constructivist tendencies of art, especially art from the 1960s to the beginning of the new millennium.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 18m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 18m2-Praha, Praha 10

The Transformation of Geometry - until 31.3.

The exhibition at the Municipal Library in Mariánské náměstí in Prague presents a total of 160 authors who chose geometric shapes as the essence of their works of art. The unique exhibition will be held until March 31st, 2019.

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