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The philosophy of the Calma e Gesso brand is evident from its name. Before the player takes his shot, he waits and thinks about it. He carefully considers his next move while chalking the tip of his cue. Welcome to the world of calm and innovation of the Italian company Calma e Gesso.

Calma e Gesso: the sophistication of a game on a superb glass design

Eva Ledecká
28.Oct 2016
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2 minutes
Billiard table Filotto

The name Calma e Gesso both sets a direction and works as a motto, inviting the individual to take enough time to assess their position and to find the best solution in order to avoid a hasty decision. Everything you put into that moment of calm before making an important decision is part of that which helped to create the Calma e Gesso brand.

Designové duo Adriano Design

Adriano Design založili bratři Davide a Gabriele Adriano v roce 1997. Od té doby dali nový směr a design řadě různých produktů.

Značka Adriano Design přišla s touhu zlomit a vytvořit nová pravidla pro designy značky Calma e Gesso. Právě díky jejich inovativnímu a nadčasovému myšlení již vystavovali v mnoha nejprestižnějších muzeí po celém světě, včetně Triennale Design Museum a Chicago Atheneaum. Značka získala řadu mezinárodních ocenění včetně Compasso d'Oro ADI 2014.

Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312
Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312, Praha 6

Kulečníkový stůl Filotto

Kulečníkové a biliárové stoly byly vždy výsledkem práce zručných

The designer duo Adriano Design

Adriano Design was established by the brothers Davide and Gabriele Adriano in 1997. Since that time, they have given new direction and design to a range of different products.

The Adriano Design brand came up with the desire to break new ground and to create new rules for the designs of the Calma e Gesso brand. It is precisely due to their innovative and timeless thinking that they have already exhibited at many of the most prestigious museums in the world, including the Triennale Design Museum and the Chicago Atheneaum. The brand has won several international awards including the Compasso d'Oro ADI 2014.

The Filotto pool table

Pool and billiard tables have always been the result of work by skilled craftsmen. This was a design “frozen in time” until Calma e Gesso got to grips with it.

The designers took hold of the strongest features of the traditional designs of these gaming tables and put them into an ethereal crystal structure. With this sophisticated design, they removed the heaviness of material which was always a main characteristic of the classic pool table and given it a new lease of life for its modern setting (the A class has already been installed in the Ralph Lauren headquarters in New York).

It is a unique feeling to see a pool table weighing 750 kg float, a feeling which can surely only be beaten by the pleasure of playing on this Italian masterpiece.

Filotto Wood represents a limited edition of 15 of these luxury pool tables made from high-quality recycled wood which creates the perfect dialogue with the crystal glass.

The Lungolinea ping-pong table

Giving a new face to a game which was created in the 18th century is an incredible challenge. However, transforming the classic ping-pong table into the designer object called Lungolinea did not seem an impossible take for the Calma e Gesso brand.

The idea of playing table tennis on a transparent table seems unimaginable, but thanks to several innovations which the designers from Adriano Design included in the project, this became an idea which was in fact graspable.

The result is a transparent gaming table which is so distinctive that it can be placed into any context and will immediately become the focal point of any room. The beauty of the Lungolinea table lies in its lightness and the sophistication of the technical material used.

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Calma e Gesso
Busto Arsizio VA 21052 via Mentana 7 Italia
+39 0331 322581