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Horses and famous people

Celebrities and horses

Jana Fikotová
09.Apr 2018
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1 minute
Václav Vydra

It is said that the most beautiful view is from a horse's back. It is no wonder, therefore, that many famous celebrities are buying these luxurious four-legged pets instead of dogs or cats,. Which of the celebrities couldn't resist and bought a beautiful stallion or mare?

Kateřina Brožová

The actress loved horses as a little girl and was fascinated by everything that concerned riding. "The horse has always been an irresistible affair for me. I even have fulfilled my childhood dream and bought a horse," said Kateřina Brožová, who is a very good rider according to others. Her daughter Kateřina couldn't resist the magic of the horse saddle either, she even races on horseback.

The Roden brothers

Actors Karel and Marián Roden even bought the luxurious Skýšov chateau because of their love for horses and good wine, and together they breed horses and run a dressage school here. They both fell in love with horses during childhood, so it is no wonder they will be doing business with them one day.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 18m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 18m2-Praha, Praha 10

Václav Vydra

If you don't see the actor on the stage or filming, you will definitely find him on the luxury farm Mal

any, where he offers relaxation with horses to the public. "Unlike in other resorts, it is possible to relax in direct contact with the horses housed here. It is possible to move around the premises in their immediate vicinity. It is a form of psycho-hipotherapy – it has relaxing effects on all target groups. People with disabilities, for example, react very positively," said Vydra.

Hana Mašlíková

The model had desired a horse since she was a child and only in adulthood did she have enough courage and money to fulfill her wish. After five years she sold it, but still visited the horse. "I lost my beloved Gaits last year because of a leg disease. He will always be in my heart," admitted the model, who is currently fully committed to her son Andreas.

Světlana Nálepková a Josefína Nesvatbová

The famous actress loves recreational rides. She also led her daughter Josefína to horses, who attends to them at a family ranch where she organizes courses and training. Josefína has also developed a special therapeutic method combining regression therapy with horse energy. With her mother, she organizes individual and weekend courses of horse-driven therapy, Bach's flower therapy, yoga, meditation and reading.


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