Former British Prime Minister John Major warned of the new course of American international policy, according to him, US isolationism is opening the door to China and Russia. The Czech Republic will be hit by severe frosts, meteorologists warn against longer stays outdoors. Famous singer Shakira faces serious health complications. Ozempic could not only become a miraculous drug against obesity but also against addictions to narcotic substances led by alcohol.
USA threatens democracies around the world
Sir John Major warned that democracy is threatened because the United States is retreating from its leading role in the world. The former Prime Minister told the BBC, that American President Donald Trump's "isolation" policy is creating a power vacuum that will encourage countries like Russia and China. Sir John, who was prime minister from 1990 to 1997, said that the achievements made since the collapse of the Soviet Union are now turning around - and there is "no doubt" that Russia will soon invade elsewhere.
He said that the "ugly nationalism" that is concurrently growing, is causing a "very restless time". Representatives of the USA and Russia are to begin peace talks in the coming days despite concerns that European countries including Ukraine are excluded from them. Major also rejected recent criticism from US Vice President J. D. Vance towards Europe in the area of freedom of speech and suggested that these remarks should have been addressed to the authorities in Moscow or Beijing.
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Czech Republic hit by unusually severe frosts
In the coming days, the coldest temperatures can be expected throughout the whole Czech Republic. Low mercury should fall especially at night when clearing up, when it could repeatedly drop to -15 degrees Celsius. These temperatures were reached at many stations over the weekend, and a similar scenario should repeat until Thursday night.
"Small children, elderly, and sick citizens should limit the length of their stay outside. A hot drink, food, and physical movement help against the cold,"
Meteorologists from the ČHMÚ warn according to ČTK.
Shakira cancelled the concert for serious health reasons
The Colombian superstar Shakira cancelled her Sunday concert in Lima after being hospitalized with abdominal issues, said the singer. Shakira shared on her Instagram and X accounts on Sunday afternoon that she is currently hospitalized and that doctors have informed her she is unable to perform.
The singer arrived in Peru on Friday evening, where she was to perform on Sunday and Monday. This country is the second stop of her Latin American tour Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran, which follows two nights in Brazil last week, according to the AP agency.
Ozempic could be a drug for alcoholism too
According to new research from the University of North Carolina in the USA, drugs that have changed the treatment of obesity may help people drink less alcohol. The study was small - only 48 adults - and lasted just over two months, so it didn't have the last word. Experts are not yet clear on how safe these drugs are for people who do not need to lose weight.
However, the results supplement evidence from animal studies and reports that drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy help people manage not only food cravings, but also cravings for tobacco and alcohol. Scientists are investigating these drugs in smokers, people addicted to opioids, and cocaine users, AP agency wrote.
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