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Ukrainian weddings are known for their unique customs and traditions, which make these celebrations an unforgettable experience. Many of these customs have been observed for centuries and add a special atmosphere full of symbolism and deep meaning to the wedding ceremony.

I'm taking a Ukrainian: My fiance has to redeem me, because we are entering marriage as the king and queen of the future family

Kristina Valachyová
13.Feb 2025
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8 minutes
The Ukrainian bride wears a beautiful wreath

Although not all couples choose to strictly adhere to traditional customs, wedding ceremonies in Ukraine still maintain a strong bond with folklore and cultural heritage. Many of these rituals are truly unique and their authenticity attracts the attention of not only locals but also foreigners. If you have not yet been to a Ukrainian wedding, you should definitely not miss such an experience.

Ukrainian couple
Ukrainian bride
Ukrainian Wedding
Korovai bread has an important symbolism at Ukrainian weddings

When Tereza decided to go on a volunteer stay in Poland to help refugees from Ukraine, she had no idea that there her life would turn upside down. She worked in a logistics center, where she helped organize humanitarian aid, and that's where she first met Artem, a young man who fled from Kharkiv before the war. Originally, Artem was a computer engineer, but when the war broke out, his world collapsed. He lost his home, friends, and had to start over. In Poland, he got a job as a translator for humanitarian organizations and tried to help his countrymen. Tereza noticed him when he was helping an older woman who didn't understand Polish. Even though they only exchanged a few sentences then, their paths crossed again later. At first, they were just friends, as Artem wasn't sure if he could start a new relationship abroad, and Tereza didn't want to rush anything either. However, their conversations were getting longer, laugher was more natural, and mutual attraction undeniable. Artem was learning Slovak in order to find a better job, and Tereza was helping him with that. When Artem received a job offer in Prague after several months, Tereza knew she didn't want their paths to separate.

Their relationship was not without obstacles. Cultural differences, the language barrier, and fears of the future were ever present. Some of Teresa's friends had prejudices against Ukrainians, and Artem also had to deal with the fact that not all Czechs are open to foreigners. However, both believed that love knows no boundaries. After a year of living together in the Czech Republic, Artem asked Teresa to marry him. Teresa never expected that her journey to Poland would not only bring life experiences, but also the love of her life. Today, she is proud to have Artem by her side, and although their story began in the shadow of war, it continues in the sign of hope, understanding and love. And what does a Ukrainian wedding look like?

Formal engagement

The wedding begins with the engagement ceremony. The prospective groom goes to the parents of the woman he wants to marry. He is accompanied by two older men. The groom gives the parents a bottle of vodka, which is a traditional Ukrainian liquor containing 40 percent alcohol. If the parents accept it, the bride throws a rushnyk around the two men who are accompanying the groom.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 19m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 19m2-Praha, Praha 10

The rushnyk holds great significance. It is a richly embroidered strip of cloth that plays a key role in many rituals. Embroidering the rushnyk was once considered an important duty of the bride, who prepared it months or years before the wedding. The rushnyk is a symbol of Ukraine, connecting people with their ancestors. Each rushnyk is like a novel about life, nature, people and traditions. Symbols and cryptograms of the ancient world are embroidered on the rushnyk. Each region has its own patterns with hidden meanings, which are passed on from generation to generation.

The main color of the embroidery on the rushnyk is red, a symbol of life, the sun, and fertility. In almost every Ukrainian wedding ceremony, the couple encounters the fabric before making their vows, as it is customary for the couple to step on the fabric and whoever steps out first will be the leader in the pair. The groom almost always lets the bride step on the fabric first, which is a gesture that is respectful and kind.

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Rushnyk is a richly embroidered strip of fabric that plays a key role in many rituals.
Rushnyk is a richly embroidered strip of fabric that plays a key role in many rituals.Source: Pavlo Boyko - Flickr /CreativeCommons,/ CC BY-SA 2.0/

The Bride Redemption Ritual

One of the most cheerful and fun moments of the wedding is the bride's ransom (Vykup), which takes place on the wedding day. Traditionally, before the wedding, the groom and bride sleep in separate houses. The bride usually lives in her parents' house. When the groom comes for his imminent wife, he has to go through a series of tests prepared by the bridesmaids and the bride's relatives.

These can be various puzzles, tasks or physical challenges. If the groom does not fulfill some of the tasks, he has to buy himself out, whether with money, gifts or symbolic gestures. This ritual is a source of great laughter and a relaxed atmosphere, thus starting a cheerful celebration.

Blessing (Blahoslovenja)

Blahoslovenja is a ritual that usually takes place shortly before the ceremony and includes the blessing of the parents and grandparents of the couple. The couple and both parents exchange compliments and the parents give the bride and groom their best Ukrainian wedding wishes and blessings for a happy and prosperous marriage.

Ukrainian wedding attire

In traditional Ukrainian weddings, the bride wears a special wreath of flowers and ribbons called Вінок (Vinok). It symbolizes the beauty and purity of the bride. Ribbons are sometimes used to tie the hands of the bride and groom during the ceremony. A very traditional Ukrainian bride may also wear a richly embroidered shirt, blouse, long skirt, apron, and headband. Also part of the attire are jewelry, often abundantly layered. However, many Ukrainian brides these days choose a more modern look. There are many Ukrainian wedding dress designers who offer white dresses that more reflect today's bride.

Wedding Ceremony

Traditional Ukrainian ceremonies take place in the church. The couple walks down the aisle, symbolizing that they are equal partners. They step forward and place their hands on the Bible. Then they recite their vows.

They put crowns on their heads, which symbolizes that they are the king and queen of the family they will establish together. Once the vows are fulfilled, the priest ties the hands of the bride and groom and leads them around the altar three times. After that, they can both sign the marital contract. Wedding ceremonies are traditionally held on Saturdays, although very religious weddings can also take place on Sundays.

And another interesting thing. While in our country the bride wears the engagement ring on her left hand, in Ukraine it is customary for the bride to wear it on her right hand for the rest of her life or until her husband dies before her. In such a case, she moves the ring to the other hand, indicating that she is a widow.

Reception of newlyweds

One of the first rituals that await the newlyweds after the ceremony is a symbolic acceptance into the family. The bride's and groom's parents welcome them in the house with traditional bread and salt, which is a blessing for their future life together.

This special wedding bread, called Коровай (Korovai), is baked conscientiously and decorated richly, with a bowl of salt in the middle.

Bread has an important symbolism at Ukrainian weddings, and its role is more than just a wedding cake. The wedding bread is usually prepared several days before the event, and several family members contribute to its creation. The typical recipe for Ukrainian wedding bread includes evaporated milk, sugar, wheat flour, butter, eggs, and vanilla. However, some contain rum extract, lemon peel, and other ingredients that are often passed down from generation to generation.

The bread is placed on a rushnyk, which has a protective and symbolic meaning. The newlyweds break pieces of bread and traditionally, the one who breaks off a larger piece will have a dominant position in marriage. Afterwards, they both taste salt, which shows their readiness to share not only joyful moments, but also possible life difficulties.

However, instead of the "korovai", white western style wedding cakes are usually served along with traditional bread at modern Ukrainian weddings.

Prodej bytu 3+kk, Praha Žižkov - 94
Prodej bytu 3+kk, Praha Žižkov - 94, Praha 3

Symbolic Veiling of the Bride's Head

One of the most touching moments of the wedding ceremony is the ritual where the bride's veil is removed. This act is performed by the freshly married husband, symbolically confirming that she has become his wife. Subsequently, his mother ties a traditional scarf on her head and accepts her into the family as a married woman. After this act, the bride invites her single friends to try on the veil.

Passing of the Family Flame

Another important ceremony of the Ukrainian wedding is the handing over of the family fire, which represents the transfer of warmth and love between generations.

The parents of the groom and bride light candles and the newlyweds symbolically light their own candles from them, representing the beginning of their shared life.

During this ceremony, traditional songs, blessings from parents, and in some cases, prayers are often heard. The newlyweds leave their candles on the wedding table and let them burn all evening, with the flame not allowed to be extinguished, as it is a sign of the permanence and harmony of their union.

Music, singing, food, and endless fun

Ukrainian wedding is always a magnificent and noisy celebration full of joy, music and dance. The reception takes place immediately after the ceremony. It starts with a traditional Ukrainian dance performed by local dancers. At night, music plays. The band plays a traditional instrument - the bandura.

Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by a great variety and many of its traditional dishes are well known in our region. A typical example is cabbage rolls filled with a mixture of rice, carrots and minced meat. This hearty and delicious dish is especially popular in the colder months, when its rich taste and nutritious composition provide the body with necessary energy.

One of the most famous dishes of Ukrainian cuisine is undoubtedly borshch, a thick and filling soup made from red beet, cabbage, potatoes and meat. Although several nations, especially the Russians, claim its origin, it is the Ukrainians who consider it one of their most important culinary symbols. Borshch is prepared differently in various regions. In some places, beans are added to it, in others plums or mushrooms, but it always remains a dish that is passed on from generation to generation. As for drinks, Ukraine can boast a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic specialties. One of the most famous is Lviv beer, which has been brewed since the 18th century and has a distinctive taste. Interestingly, during the Russian invasion, the Lviv brewery reportedly temporarily switched from beer production to the production of Molotov cocktails to help defend the country. In addition, quality wines are produced in the Transcarpathian region, which are gradually gaining recognition beyond the country's borders. An important element of Ukrainian coffee culture is also Lviv coffee, which has a rich history and remains one of the inseparable symbols of the city of Lviv.

Strong family ties and traditional values

Ukrainians greatly value family and often maintain close relationships with their parents, siblings or extended family. For a woman, this may mean that her husband will have strong ties to his relatives and can expect to participate in family gatherings or celebrations. Ukrainian families tend to be hospitable and warm, but at the same time might also be a bit traditional in their expectations regarding the roles of men and women in the household.

Mentality and perception of gender roles

In many Ukrainian families, the traditional division of tasks still persists - the man is the one who takes care of the financial security of the family, while the woman is often perceived as the one who is in charge of the household and raising children. Of course, in modern society these differences are gradually disappearing, but it can happen that some men raised in traditional families will expect their woman to cook and take care of the household and children more than he does.

The largest amount of old wedding traditions today has been preserved in the western regions of Ukraine. In Transcarpathia, Galicia and Bukovina, loud weddings with a large number of guests and ceremonies are usually still held. However, Ukrainian traditions have largely not disappeared, but have found new embodiment in modern times, adapting to the modern rhythm and lifestyle of society. And this is evidenced by the incredible love stories that unite the hearts of Ukrainians even on the front line.

Ukrainian weddings are a wonderful example of how a nation can preserve and maintain its traditions even in modern times. If you have the opportunity to attend such a celebration, do not hesitate! It is an unforgettable experience full of emotions, joy, and beautiful moments.

Source: author's text,,,,,

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