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Early Bird: Record number of Covid-19 cases. Meet Joe Biden's greatest fan. Elon Musk comments on Tesla's bankruptcy

Linda Veselá
05.Nov 2020
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2 minutes
Elon Musk v kožené bundě

It looks like we'll be waiting the results of the US election for quite some time, but some people seem to be quite sure about who the future US president will be. One of them is a bettor from Great Britain, who bet a record million pounds on Joe Biden's victory. Korean technology giant LG, on the other hand, bets on roll-up smartphones rather than on presidents. And it looks like they couldn't have made a better choice!

The Czech Republic has a new record

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Lékař měří muži teplotu
Lékař měří muži teplotuSource:

Although coronavirus infections appeared to be slowing in recent days, this trend was reversed yesterday. On Wednesday, the Czech Republic claimed a new record with 15,729 new cases per day - the previous highest number of infections was lower by 65.

Pronájem luxusního bytu 3+kk Pařížská, Praha
Pronájem luxusního bytu 3+kk Pařížská, Praha, Praha 1

44 people succumbed to the disease yesterday, bringing the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic up to 4,133. There are about 8,300 people with Covid-19 currently in hospitals.

Tesla was only a month away from bankruptcy

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Elon Musk v kožené bundě
Elon Musk v kožené bunděSource: Profimedia

Although the name Tesla is synonymous with one of the most valuable and profitable companies on the planet, it has recently almost gone bankrupt. According to its boss Elon Musek, this was going on at a time when the company was struggling with the introduction of its now best-selling car, Model 3 sedan.

"Closest we got was about a month. The Model 3 ramp was extreme stress & pain for a long time — from mid 2017 to mid 2019. Production & logistics hell.,"

Musk detailed.

A fundraiser to fund church restoration

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Kostel svatého Michala zasáhl požár
Kostel svatého Michala zasáhl požárSource: HZS HLMP

The fire of St. Michael's Church in the Kinský Garden had saddened many people. The capital city of Prague, its owner, therefore set up a public fundraiser to help with its restoration on Wednesday. It will run for a year.

Prague also began to coordinate the repairs of the church, which had been practically destroyed in the fire. According to estimates, the damage amounts to several million crowns. The National Museum, the National Monuments Institute and the Ministry of Culture also immediately offered help.

"The good news is that the National Museum has much more information about the construction of the church than we expected. Photo documentation, documentation of the dismantling of the church and its reassembly, as well as partial documentation of the interior will all be very helpful during the restoration. The public fundraiser will allow all of us who care about the wooden church to participate in its restoration,"

commented Councilor for Culture and Tourism Hana Třeštíková.

Biden's biggest fan is a Brit

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Joe Biden s modrou kravatou
Joe Biden s modrou kravatouSource: Profimedia

The US election may not have a winner yet, but we already know who must be Joe Biden's biggest fan! Then man in question is a bettor from Great Britain, who bet a record million pounds (almost three hundred million crowns) on Biden's victory. His identity isn't known, but if his favorite wins, he'll get 540,000 pounds in addition to his million (more than 45 million crowns).

Although American gamblers aren't allowed to bet on the presidential election, betting on the future American president is a big hit in Britain. And the current presidential battle appears to be a record betting event in history!

A new type of screen

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Telefon LG s roztahovacím displejem
Telefon LG s roztahovacím displejemSource: LetsGetDigital:

You've probably heard of smartphones with folding screens or a roll-up TV. But what about a smratphone, whose screen can be elegantly stretched out?

Korean technology giant LG is working on such a smartphone! When the user wants to use a larger display, he pulls from the left to the right and the screen size doubles.

This is made possible by a unique roll-up mechanism, thanks to which the displays can be pulled out without any problems. In addition, speculations suggest it should be more durable than folding screens.

And that's all from us for today! We wish you a relaxing day. And why not make your autumn evening at home more pleasant by reading a nice book? As the writer Oscar Wilde said:

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he does. The man who never reads lives only one."

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