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Non-profit organizations are helping to fight the coronavirus.

Non-stop info lines, food delivery and sewing of masks: Non-profit organizations help the most vulnerable

Kateřina Ostrejšová
29.Oct 2020
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2 minutes
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Help where it's needed

Unfortunately, the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is in a full swing. The numbers aren't going down and the government measures are intensifying. The non-profit organizations that help the most vulnerable groups also contribute in these difficult times. They sew and distribute masks, prepare disinfectants, buy groceries for seniors, medicine or hygiene items, and bring ready meals. But this is only a fraction of what the non-profit organizations contribute with in times of crisis.

Life 90 in cooperation with Prague

For example, the organization Life 90 in cooperation with the City of Prague established a non-stop crisis info line for seniors over the age of 65 during the pandemic. The line can be called by those who are in needed and live by themselves and don't have the opportunity to go shopping and buy the necessary things. This is exactly what this info line will take care of!

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Lidé v rouškách na nádraží.
Lidé v rouškách na nádraží. Source:

Way Home

The Way Home organization provides professional care to the dying and their loved ones even under these complicated conditions. The services have been adapted in such a way that as many patients as possible can be cared for. Even to those who are suspected to be or are positive for covid-19. In addition, the services can also be provided remotely.

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Kluk na ulici v roušce.
Kluk na ulici v roušce. Source:

Let's not dismiss the others!

This is the motto of the volunteers of the New Trinity family and cultural center in Prague 3. During the pandemic, they also decided to lend a helping hand, to put it mildly. They sewed masks, tutored thousands of children remotely and mediated their connection with the school, and opened free educational lessons to teachers. And that's not all by far. The volunteers from the New Trinity managed to distribute almost two thousand tons of food from food banks and helped with the delivery of medicines to the most vulnerable groups of the population. They also met victims of domestic violence and people who were attacked because someone accused them of being covid-positive.

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Žena s doktorkou
Žena s doktorkouSource:

Energy for the Czech hospitals

The biggest thanks, of course, goes to the health professionals and doctors who have helped and continue to help thousands upon thousands of infected patients every day. Jan Lukačevič, the founder of the Energy for Doctors project, is also aware of this, and in the first wave he decided to properly reward the Czech healthcare system. Within a few days, Jan was able to build a team of volunteers across all professions, and so the Energy for Doctors project was born.

"We wanted to help in some way. We're not able to obtain a protective equipment of adequate quality. However, we found out from the healthcare professionals themselves that they also simply lack any time for rest, let alone for a regular diet, which is a very important thing in such a deployment. The last thing we need is the collapse of the healthcare system. We all try to contribute what we can.”

said Jan Lukačevič.

He and his team decided to deliver energy packages to hospitals with food, drinks, coffee beans, as well as creams for dry hands, etc. They work mainly with Czech suppliers, whose products they like. In the spring, they sent energy in 66,000 packages to thousands of paramedics from 70 medical facilities.

Decrease in funding

One of the main consequences of the coronavirus pandemic is a decline in funding. The reason is mainly the decline in corporate fundraising, but also the complete cessation of social entrepreneurship. According to the survey, a third of the organizations fear that the crisis will have a negative impact on their clients. Especially in the context of the economic situation, their psyche and health.

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Holčička s rouškou na ústech.
Holčička s rouškou na ústech. Source:

"The survey showed that a significant number of organizations were able to respond during the crisis and start providing assistance in many different areas from their own resources. Often in places where the government failed. Which is great news for the Czech civil society.”

said Robert Basch, director of the OSF Foundation.

According to the latest data (Czech Statistical Office), there are almost 143,000 non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. We'd like to thank everyone who helps in these difficult times.

Pronájem mezonetu Josefov 2+kk, Praha
Pronájem mezonetu Josefov 2+kk, Praha, Praha 1

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