Stanislav Fiala received an award for his outstanding contribution to architecture in the last five years, i.e. the Architect of the Year Award 2019 from the Prague CAMP Center. Let us take a look back together at his work and realization, which our beautiful capital can boast with.
The talented architect from Most, who graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University and the School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, has belonged to the best Czech architects since the 1990s. His best-known realizations include Prague's Špork Palace, the Golfclub Čertovo břemeno (Devil's Burden) in Alenina Lhota, houses in Smíchov, the MUZO Office Building, which became the Building of the Year 2000, and the DRN Palace on Národní třída, one of the jewels of Prague's modern architecture.
“Stanislav Fiala is the creator of an original world that you cannot mistake for the work of anyone else in the Czech Republic,”
these are the words of the jurors, who appreciated especially Fiala's ability to improvise and his willingness to communicate with the workers and venture towards the unknown, unexpected and unpredictable together.
“It is an honorary title awarded annually to a personality who excelled, or has been excelling in architecture for a long time and who has contributed significantly to its good reputation. It is an exceptional and unique award in our country,"
Within the framework of the awards ceremony, the jury also decided to present the producer Jana Kostelecká an honorable mention for long-term support and promotion of architecture. Since 2014, Kostelecká has been publishing literature for children and youth focused on architecture and design.
Fiala is currently working on the completion of a project for the Špork Palace, located in Hybernská Street near Prague's Municipal House and the Powder Tower. It has undergone extensive reconstruction in the past. The palace is one of the listed buildings, boasting a very extensive history. The aim of Fiala's reconstruction is primarily modernization, while simultaneously preserving the original Baroque elements.
If you've ever walked to Náplavka along Národní třída, or visited the National Theater, you couldn't have failed to notice the new building referred to as DRN. If you happened to get on its roof, you were also able to enjoy the colorful tulips that form the Czech flag on the terraces, which offer breathtaking views of Prague. The building hosts restaurants, shops, galleries and offices that belong to the most luxurious offices in Prague in terms of price. The whole construction cost CZK 1.5 billion. The exterior takes the form of a glass façade with metal decorative elements and galleries.
Our editorial staff wishes Mr. Fiala much success in the future and many more beautiful buildings for our capital to come!