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A collection suitable for homeless people, street gangsters and survivors from a post-apocalyptic world?

New Moschino men's collection: You don't want to dress your man in these! Not even when he's been really bad!

Martina Šmalclová
18.Dec 2019
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4 minutes

No, the fashion world hasn't gone completely crazy, or at least we hope so. It was only Jeremy Scott, Moschino's creative director, who let his imagination run wild and introduced the new men's Fall 2020 collection to the world in the New York Underground. It features pink, gold chains, even pieces that you might find in your attic.

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Názor PROTI PROUDU: Martina Šmalclová

Oversized (because the time to shovel Christmas cookies into your mouth is here)

One of the key elements of the collection is oversized, represented by maxi down jackets, wide trousers, sports sweatshirts or sleeveless vests. So if you have some pieces that would normally be "swimming" on you at the bottom of your closet, be sure to pull them out next autumn. At Christmas time, with baked sweets attacking us from all sides, this is great news, don't you think?!

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Pink, it's my new obsession

Fall 2020 is rich in the pink shade that Jeremy Scott used to light up his tracksuits, jackets, bags and backpacks, or sports baseball caps that are propably supposed to give a roguish impression. Um, for an unruly adolescent going through an identity crisis, maybe... but we really don't want to see this in an adult man's wardrobe!

Pronájem bytu 2+kk, Praha 8 - 57m2
Pronájem bytu 2+kk, Praha 8 - 57m2, Praha 8

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The end of the world: Apocalypse

The collection of black models with gold, silver and metal elements is a complete counterpart to the sweet pink and shows what a man's wardrobe might look like in a post-apocalyptic world. Only the toughest people survive there, it is therefore no wonder that the models are made of luxurious leather, chains and heavy combat boots.

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Guardians of the Galaxy in a new coat

The last two models go somewhat hand in hand with the post-apocalyptic world. Are you a Guardians of the Galaxy fan? In that case, looking at these two pieces will probably make you think of this blockbuster and the cassette tapes that are indelibly linked to it. To sum up, it's good enough for sci-fi disco party on another planet!

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More models from the Fall 2020 collection can be found in the gallery at the end of the article.

Martina Šmalclová

Názor PROTI PROUDU: Anděla Vostrá

Moschino is a low blow

No, no, and once again no! I haven't gone crazy yet, I think. Yes, I drink a lot, especially now that Christmas is near, it's difficult to skip all the Christmas parties, and it's even harder not to sip mulled wine every day at the Christmas market... but I still think I'm sober and sane during the day. My judgment is not affected by the amount of alcohol. So, for the last time, I say NO! Stop, Moschino. If I see a single idiot marching through Prague in one of thee models, I swear I'll slap him.

Pink, it's the color of passion

Personally, I don't mind when men experiment with colors. Light pink, for example, looks good on them. But for God's sake, a light pink fur with a head of something that looks like a fox or a different kind of dead animal, on a blue-gold overall? Moschino's creative director Jeremy Scott must have gone insane. Even Csáková wouldn't wear this, and she was pretty whacked back in the day...

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One morning, I arrived in the Prague district of Krč, and guess what I saw? Elephants grazing in front of apartment blocks. They were regular elephants, not the pink kind. Still, I wondered how many bottles had been emptied the night before, because seeing elephants in Krč is weird as hell. However, there was an explanation for that: the Humberto had arrived in town. But what on Earth had arrived in Scott's house? I really have no idea. Maybe our Kočka clan with some good material, that might explain how this creation was born.

Back to Harlem

There was a time when even taxi drivers refused to take you to Harlem in New York. Heavy gold chains were popular back then - with actual gansters, mostly the black ones. Czech gypsies have jumped on the bandwagon and some of them are still wearing them today. So... voilá, all they had to do is wait a couple of years and suddenly they are trendy! In the new autumn collection, Moschino praises heavy chains to high heaven - even though they're more suitable for the inhabitants of Hell...

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Find your guy

I like oversized stuff. They are great at hiding a couple of extra pounds. But... excuse me, what's up with these jackets? They seemed to be entirely too heavy for the model, needless to mention that he could easily get lost in one of those. Maybe there was a mistake in production? I'm literally laughing aloud when I imagine someone getting on the tram in such a jacket. Or how easy it would be to burn them with a cigarette! And hundreds of thousands are... you know where. When I look at the poor guy, I also have to wonder... how on Earth will he manage to zip this jacket, should it get a little windy outside?

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You can never go wrong with a rocker jacket

The only thing I consider wearable are jeans, a sweatshirt and a good old rocker jacket made of leather. This is an evergreen that will never get old and can't go wrong with it, unless you're about to see a performance in the National Theater. I applaud this, Jeremy did a good job here, and it fits the subway background very well. The other BDSM-themed leather pieces are a little bit too much, if my child had to see that on the subway train, I'd probably be tempted to call the police. But hey, Americans are known for being crazy, so let's leave it to them.

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I express my sincere condolences to the whole collection and I feel very sorry for anyone who buys this. Amen.

Anděla Vostrá
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