Maxim Havlíček

Last year, the Czech artist based in the USA came to Prague after 19 years with an exhibition called The Alchemist. And because it was successful beyond his expectations, Maxim Havlíček decided to hold another exhibition this year. This time, it is called Time Traveler. His luxury paintings will be available until October 9 at studio Character in Prague.
Maxim loves his life in Los Angeles, but admits that he likes to come back to the Czech Republic whenever time allows. Which means practically every summer. His artistic thinking draws him into a different world already on the plane every time he goes home.
the artist admitted before his exhibition. He creates from things that surround him. Maxim creates according to his current mood. His paintings thus become his own intimate confession.
When a spectator looks at the paintings, they see everything there. Even things they would never have expected to find in a painting. That's because Havlíček uses everything he sees around himself in his creative process. One of the paintings has a special meaning for him.
Tens of people came to the Character studio yesterday to see the famous artist. His brother Karel assumed the role of a DJ and rivers of alcohol were consumed. Initially, the place had been quite dark, but then a ballerina appeared, lighting the paintings on by one with her dance, thus opening the exhibition.