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Everything we buy for children must be safe. But not everything with this feature is necessarily attractive to the eye. This Czech brand is created by a team of designers who can combine both of these features. The result? You child will have a masterpiece to play with.

KUTULU toys, i.e. luxury design for children

Mgr. Jana Höger
04.Dec 2017
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Kutulu toys

The common feature of all toys by this brand is the first-class craftsmanship. The high quality of materials. The precise geometric shapes combined into a unique and original whole – children’s toys. These are toys with a story, and just the right amount of colour. They will delight not only with their modesty and pleasant tones. 

Care for a horse, duck or chick?

Don’t get confused, this isn’t the menu of a luxury restaurant. This is just a sample of what the KUTULU company makes. It aims to marry tradition and craftsmanship with innovation and first-class design. It makes toys with love and a story.

Toy story…

Listen to the one about the horse with the noble name NOXUS. It was born in the Czech Republic. Its body is made of beech wood, which means it can withstand many hours of riding, and will boldly join any battle. It is black and thanks to its wheels, it can race the wind. But it is not easy to saddle. It most enjoys playing with its friends, the swan BULA and the little bird TULU.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 22m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 22m2-Praha, Praha 10

Mythology in the toy industry

We haven’t seen this yet – the creators trying to approximate the antique era even in the smallest detail – an era of beauty and pure aesthetic. The company entered the market with an innovative project featuring toys with this theme. It offers figures of Greek heroes, Pegasus, unicorns or the Trojan horse.

The idea of combing playing with learning, fun and adventure imitates Komensky’s teachings, that a child grasps the truths of life best by experience and touching them. By letting them touch its emotions, imprint themselves on its mind. These toys serve this purpose perfectly. HECTOR and ACHILLES travel through the countryside together with CHIRON (the mythical centaur) to fight against the SPARTAN.

New stories are created from the child’s fantasy and imagination. 

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