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Kings of Czech Instagram: The one true to his name, StarDance competitor and everlasting troublemaker

Kateřina Ostrejšová
9. 2. 2021
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3 minutes
Karel Kovář alias Kovy_

Instagram is no longer a female domain! Even men learnt how to present themselves on the platform. And everyone is luring the fans their own way. Some with a half-naked body in a bikini, some with photos of adorable children or expensive cars. Let’s look into the seven Instagrammers who moved their “business” mainly to the social network. These are the Kings of Czech Instagram!

Jirka Král aka @jirkakral (917.000 followers)

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Jiří Král
Jiří Král Source: archiv Jiřího Krále

He’s not “King” only on the birth certificate but also on social media. In the past years, he has belonged to the most famous Czech YouTubers, one of his videos having over 5 million views per month. In 2018 he reached 1 million subscribers. He has achieved the same goal twice in one year when he released a documentary “I was a YouTuber” that received 1 million views in a single day. In the documentary, he announced the end of his YouTube career and that he was staying active on Instagram. And he's not far from hitting 1 million followers there either. He usually provides his fans with pictures from his travels, mainly with his new wife Karolína.

Jan Macák aka @ment97 (806.000 followers)

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Jan Macák
Jan MacákSource: archiv Jana Macáka

He’s only 23-year-old, born in Pardubice and his Instagram account has over 800.000 followers. Jan Macák became famous on YouTube where he published his first gameplay-focused video when he was only 12-year-old. He was the most successful in Minecraft related content. In 2017 he achieved 1 million subscribers. His second channel is MenTlive, where he focuses on vlogging, exploring abandoned buildings and travel vlogs. His so far most successful video is an exploration of the abandoned building of the old Tesla factory in Pardubice.

On his Instagram account, you may find expensive cars, good food and extravagant clothes.

Karel Kovář aka @kovy_gameballcz (771.000 followers)

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Karel Kovář
Karel KovářSource: archiv Karla Kováře

We actually have two influencers from Pardubice. The other one is Karel Kovář. Even this young man has a line of success. Since 2016 he’s been an annual winner of the Czech Social Awards Video Blogger prize. In 2019 he starred in the 10th series of the dancing show StarDance, where he qualified for the semifinals. Beyond that, he’s an author of two books - the first one published in 2017, called “Ovšem”, where he publicly came out as gay. Two years later he published “iPohádka”, an untraditional fairytale about the evil called the Internet.

Kovy has been actively interested in the political scene in Czechia and around the world, presenting his views on social media. He’s become the face of the companies Zalando and Bageterie Boulevard.

Erik Meldik aka @erikmeldik (632.000 followers)

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Erik Meldik s dětmi
Erik Meldik s dětmiSource: archiv Erika Meldika

Erik Meldik could be called a matador of Czech YouTube. More than 10 years ago he co-founded the channel ViralBorthers together with Čeněk Stýblo. With 2.75 million subscribers it’s the most followed channel on Czech YouTube. The oldest videos on their channel are called “Debilní kecy” (Stupid talk), summarising stereotypical ideas about different population groups (teachers, mother, etc. ).

In his case, it can be seen that everyone grows up. He’s 34 now and has 2 children that are the main focus of his Instagram content. Luckily for his fans, he hasn’t lost the sense of humour and frequently supplies social media with funny videos.

Vladimír Kadlec aka @vladavideos (630.000 followers)

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Vladimír Kadlec
Vladimír KadlecSource: archiv Vladimíra Kadlece

Vladimír Kadlec is better known under his nickname “Vláďa”. He's been present on YouTube since 2013 and gained the majority of his 717.000 subscribers thanks to the humorous self-deprecating videos. In the last years, he’s started to focus on exercising and martial arts, sharing his hobbies on Instagram. MMA appealed to him to the point he decided to enter the cage himself and try to fight against Slovakian YouTube colleague Peter Altofo (Explo). In the end, the match was called off due to the coronavirus outbreak but the “war-of-youtubers” strongly appealed to the fans. If everything goes well, they should face each other in the future.

Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373
Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373,

Taras Povoroznyk aka @taraspovoroznyk (626.000 followers)

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Taras Povoroznyk
Taras PovoroznykSource: archiv Tarase Povoroznyka

The controversial YouTube of Ukrainian heritage stands out from the YouTubers thanks to his active lifestyle-content promoting parkour. His career is also accompanied by one trouble after the other. In 2018 he raised heated debate when he published a video called “I’m the pirate of the road”, boasting about his fast and dangerous driving. He later deleted the video and apologised. A year later during his stream, a young viewer asked Povoroznyk why was his merchandise so expensive. The influencer replied that the merch was not too expensive, but the viewer is too poor. This naturally raised a wave of criticism and the majority of Czech influencers denounced him. Even in this case Povoroznyk later apologised.

28-year-old Povoroznyk has a wife and daughter and shares highlights from their personal life on social media. His hobbies include fishing, frequently promoting the catches on his Instagram account.

Martin Carev aka @martin_carev (569.000 followers)

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Martin Carev
Martin CarevSource: archiv Martina Careva

My name is Martin - with this nickname, 22-year-old Martin Carev showed up on YouTube. If anyone knows how to shoot travel vlogs, it’s him. Everything started with his trip to Italy in 2015, followed by a trip to Hong Kong, USA, Iran, JAR, Brasil, Tchaj-wan and other countries. Thanks to this he has gained popularity on Instagram. This young man knows how to keep people’s attention, so his Instagram account also often boasts photos in swimwear.

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