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The year 2020 cannot ever repeat itself!

Karlovy Vary at festival time: Empty red carpet and movie withdrawal

Eva Ledecká
11. 7. 2020
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2 minutes
Hotel Thermal, červený koberec 2020

This year's film festival like we‘ve never experienced it before is coming to an end. While every year, we brought you hot information about new films, Czech and foreign stars, their outfits every year, as well as interesting facts about what happened at VIP parties, in 2020 we have nothing of that sort to share. What was Vary like this year and who walked the red carpet this time?

At this time of year, Karlovy Vary always turns into a movie hotspot. Every year, we look forward to meeting stars of Czech and European film, but also Hollywood actors. This time, however, Karlovy Vary is totally empty due to the pandemic. There are very few people overall, and not a single soul from Hollywood! They might have rolled out the red carpet on the staircase in front of the Thermal Hotel, but no stars have walked across it this year.

And this year's star of the red carpet is...

"I‘m the only star here," laughs a resident of Karlovy Vary, who lets herself be photographed on the red carpet. However, she grows more serious as she continues:

"It is sad. I look forward to the festival every year, because it's the only event, where something actually happens here. The city has a different atmosphere than throughout the year. It's usually my favorite 10 days! But this year, there‘s nothing here... And the empty red carpet really drives it home... "

The weather isn‘t exactly trying to make it better. As per usual, it rained for a couple of days this year, which wouldn‘t be a big problem if the festival was going the way it always does, we are used to it. But today, without all those people around, it's a really sad sight!

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Hotel Thermal, MFF KV 2020
Hotel Thermal, MFF KV 2020Source: Eva Pinkavová

Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 Hanspaulka – 748
Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 Hanspaulka – 748, Praha 6

Festival without a feartival – hopefully for the last time!

Although the organizers did they best to at least partly make up for the festival and brought movie fans a show of interesting films to cinemas throughout the Czech Republic through the Tady Vary project, the festival seems to be pretty much non-existent. Have you noticed that it started on July 2 and will end this Saturday, 11.7.? Honestly, we haven‘t, not really. There is no new intro, no interesting festival poster and people are not exactly flocking to cinemas at the moment. Nevertheless, thanks to Tady Vary, we all had the chance to see a total of 16 films, minus the competition, of course. We didn't have to worry about queues, nor was any accreditation needed. But honestly, I'd rather wait in line next year. It‘s simply not the same thing without the festival!

Thermal is devoid of life

Like the whole of Vary, the Thermal Hotel is almost empty. Although films were being shown here as well, the cinemas are almost empty. And accompanying events? Forget about those! The only sign that the KVIFF should be in full swing is the unfolded red carpet in front of Thermal and he characteristic festival sculptures carrying a glass ball. And that, too, will be removed this weekend. This year's festival is coming to an end and our sole wish is for it to take place in all its glory next year again. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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Hotel Thermal, červený koberec
Hotel Thermal, červený koberecSource: Eva Pinkavová

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