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The talented designer came up with another enchanting collection

Jakub Polanka at MBPFW: The genius didn't disappoint!

Nela Štefanová
07.Sep 2020
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3 minutes

Another amazing fashion show at Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week is behind us. This time on the catwalk, we could admire the work of the young and talented fashion designer Jakub Polanka, who's earned the support from many fans thanks to his talent. Jakub brings innovative ideas to each of his collections, which appeal to pretty much every woman across age categories. Let's get the judging underway!

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Názor PROTI PROUDU: Nela Štefanová

Women, women and once again women!

I was really looking forward to Jakub Polanka, not only because I'd heard only good things about him, but also because I was curious about what fashion show he'd pull off in the monastery of St. Gabriel this year. I admit that when his models began to appear on the catwalk, accompanied by gloomy autumn music, I had goosebumps all over my body. The long-legged girls in gray coats and black top hats looked like they were from another world.

"My main source of inspiration are women. Each of them is fantastic for different reasons, and I like their variety. Women are a constant, only times or systems change,"

the talented and charming designer said for

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Žena v lesklém moudrém outfitu s černým kloboukem od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v lesklém moudrém outfitu s černým kloboukem od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373
Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373,

Autumn freedom

Jakub worked mainly with materials that were traditional as well as luxurious. Playfulness, lightness and freedom permeated the whole collection. The fact alone that at the end of the show, the otherwise serious models began to smile and dance to the song Freedom by George Michael, said it all. Personally, I was fascinated by the combination of an oversized gray jacket with high boots and a pleated dress. And that hat? Simply beautiful. I can imagine going to both a party and a business meeting in this outfit. I applaud you, Jakub!

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Žena v šedém kabátu a šatech od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v šedém kabátu a šatech od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

This is a must have!

You could really feel freedom from the whole collection, and because it was dominated by gray and dark blue this year, I was fascinated by this colorful piece. The beige-blue striped dress with a jacket and fashion boots immediately caught my attention. Together with the hat, the flashy blue turtleneck that stands out at first glance adds a nice twist to the outfit.

"Don't let anyone tell you what to wear, the main thing is that you feel good in it and stay true to yourself,"

the designer personally told me after the show, and I agree with him. I would definitely feel good wearing this!

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Žena v béžovo-modrém outfitu od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v béžovo-modrém outfitu od Jakuba PolankySource: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

Black is good

Black never goes out of style. It can be refined, elegant but also sexy. Jakub may not have presented many black models at the show, but he still managed to impress, among other things, with his autumn flared coats or minimalist accessories, such as gloves. I'd certainly love to see more similar models that make a woman look not only elegant, but also mysterious from the designer. This charismatic guy is a genius who can work magic.

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Žena v černém outfitu od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v černém outfitu od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

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Žena v černém outfitu s modrým límcem od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v černém outfitu s modrým límcem od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

Nela Štefanová

Názor PROTI PROUDU: Anděla Vostrá

Polanka is becoming monotonous

Designer Jakub Polanka is popular not only in our country, but also abroad. He loves women and their curves, which he can elegantly hide or highlight. It's only logical that his show was part of this year's Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week. However, I must admit that this time, my expectations were too high and, sadly, I'm a tad disappointed.

Yes, I'm aware that it absolutely contradicts everything that the present celebrities who support the artist were saying, but I simply like to judge clothing mainly based on its functional level. In addition, I have a feeling that Polanka may be falling into depression, I lack playfulness in this collection and see monotony instead.

Polanka revealed that some of the materials he'd used were so rare that there were only about three meters of them altogether. I would be afraid to wear something like that, because things tend to wear out when used, and it would be a shame to destroy a fabric the designer doesn't have a chance to get his hands on ever again. And if it was me wearing it, no one would even notice that I'm flaunting a unique garment that nobody else can have...

Blue is the color of the year, but everything in moderation

Introverts, beware. If you want to blend in with the crowd without drawing any attention to yourself, this isn't a model for you. I like the color blue, but this is a little bit too much, no? What do you think? In addition, the hat combined with a hood turns the model's head into an unsightly, laughter-inspiring shape.

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Žena v modrém outfitu s kapucí od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v modrém outfitu s kapucí od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

Shiny things aren't practical

Same case, different color. You know, when I was deciding whether to buy a kitchen in gloss or matte finish, I chose matte. It's said to be easier to maintain. And I think this will be the same case, plus I'm really scared by the look of the plastic material, I imagine how it would stick to my skin when I get wet - gross! And here we go again with the odd-shaped head...

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Žena v tmavě modrém outfitu s kapucí od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v tmavě modrém outfitu s kapucí od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

Mermaid style

Fishnet has always been more or less IN in the last feww decades. Here I can't seem to decide whether I like the overall look or not. Do I want to be a mermaid or a fisherman's wife in a an oversize men's jacket or not?

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Žena v stříbrném outfitu od Jakuba Polanky
Žena v stříbrném outfitu od Jakuba Polanky Source: Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

To sum up, I'd like to say that I respect Polanka and I usually enjoy his work. If I gave it a little more thought, I might even get one of these pieces, even though I'd have to combine it with simple accessories. Otherwise, thumbs up for the turtlenecks. I feel that they have been mostly forgotten in recent years and I adore them.

Anděla Vostrá
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