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Simona Stašová on work, Italy and the Czech Republic

Fast confession - Simona Stašová: My life is Italy

Jana Fikotová
27.Mar 2018
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3 minutes

Simona Stašová, the famous daughter of a famous mother, the winner of the TýTý and many other, also foreign film awards. She loves her family, Barbra Streisand and Italy.

You're very connected with Italy. Could we say that Italian is your second native language?

Yes, you could say that. Italian isn't difficult, when you learn the first ten lessons, you can communicate easily. It is also very easy to read.

And when did you first come into contact with Italian?

At the age of twenty-one, it's fate, I believe in these kinds of things, you simply attract certain things. I saw the singer Drupi in the Lucerna hall at that time, I loved him, and when he started singing: "Cosí piccola e fragile"...God, I would have loved to know what this wonderful man was singing, so I started going to the Italian embassy.

Byt 2+kk na prodej - Praha 9 - 64m2
Byt 2+kk na prodej - Praha 9 - 64m2, Praha 9

And suddenly, your destiny started to unravel...

Exactly. Due to the fact that I was learning Italian, I started travelling to Italy, where I met Italian friends, and finally I fell in love with it and one thing led to another. Today I play Anna Magnani on stage, I perform in Roman Nights, I play Filumena Marturano. So I'm bringing the Italian culture here to us.

How many performances have you done, do you even keep count?

Well, it'll be tens of thousands, because I's possible to count, twenty six times ten is two hundred and sixty a year, at least, because I play a lot in the summer, so three hundred a year, and I've been performing since I was twenty-one, at the beginning it was less, so since I was twenty-three. That's forty-two years, so forty-two times about three hundred, twelve thousand six hundred. It's incredible, more or less about twelve thousand.

I know it's really difficult, but try to pick one, two performances that are the most important for you.

Obviously, it's my Shirley Valentine monodrama, I will never again play anything bigger and more difficult, but the other performances seem like a Sherpa going up Mount Everest and putting down his backpack. Shirley Valentine is absolutely the most beautiful, hardest and most interesting performance I have ever done.

You are connected with Barbra Streisand because you do her dubbing. Do you listen to her as a singer?

I listen to her, and I have a very mother-like and sister-like relationship toward her, because when you dub someone, you kind of get a look into their kitchen.

Would you like to meet her or have you met her?

I have not meet her and I would be very shy. It would be beautiful, but I think she would not be curious about me and I would be afraid, but I would love to see her in concert sometime. I was in Las Vegas and three days before she had a concert there! You cannot imagine how sad I was that I missed it. I saw the “Barbra Streisand on stage” sign still up. I thought to myself that I'd go and watch quietly as a mouse. She's a brilliant person, unbelievably talented, and I'd love to see her live.

Can you imagine having a vineyard in Italy and, for example, riding a bicycle there?

I ride a bicycle in Italy all the time. My child's father, my ex-husband, has a vineyard. So not only can I imagine what you are saying, it's all there.

Is there any difference between Italians and Czechs? Something typical or, on the contrary, what we have in common?

The Italians are practically all actors, they have the energy, the sea in them, the sun. They are practically always in a good mood. They are rascals, because they love women, and even if the woman isn't very pretty, they will still say she is pretty. You want to believe that, right? And they know how to live!

The Czechs are, according to many, very slanderous. Do the Italians also gossip?

Of course, they also gossip. They love a good rumour too, because I know ordinary people, but I never noticed such animosity. That maliciousness, it's not there, or maybe I don't stay there so often, long enough to notice it.

How do you perceive the Czech Republic now? These are strange times, people talk a lot about politics and are often on different sides of the barricade.

I like the Czech Republic, and the fact that we are going through a tense period now, that will pass. Italians and Czechs, we are in it together, we have something in common, we are not so rich, they are not so rich, we like dancing, we like singing, they do too, we like wine, so do they. I think, or at least I feel that when we put aside that bad mood, we are really similar to the Italians.

What have the Italians taught you and what do you teach them? Or do you try to bring a piece of the Czech Republic to Italy?

That's an interesting question, I'm very adaptable there, I talk to the milkmen, butchers, bartenders. I visit various specific places, so I already know the people well and because I can speak Italian, I know the so-called “kitchen” Italian, I go there not to bring the Czech Republic to Italy, but to suck in the Italian culture and spew it out here in the Czech Republic. So I actually absorb it and then go on stage, and I also let it out in my life. They have the big gestures, the joy, this is what we are missing a little, that joy of life, but it's not so bad.

Fast confession:

Your favourite place in the world?


Where do you like to go back to?

To Italy.

Which do you prefer, playing in a movie or playing in the theater?

Unmistakably the theater.

Do you have a favourite actress?

Anna Magnani, whom I portray in Roman Nights, then I love my mom and I like Barbra Streisand.

Cat or dog?

Dog, dog for sure.

Do you have a favourite book?

Many, there are a lot of them, but my bible is Salinger – Catcher in the Rye.

What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

I try to wear dresses sometimes, but I prefer trousers, because it's more practical for the car and tours, but I like dresses too, I do.

Your favourite cosmetics?

I leave that up to my make-up artist, a professional, because I don't understand these things.

What situation always cheers you up?

I am always happy in the company of my sons, under any circumstances, whenever they dedicate their time and say, "Mom, come and visit." That's a big honour for a mom, so it's what I like best.

When I say summer, what comes to mind?

Theater, I have twenty-five performances. I play at the Ungelt Theater in Brno with Bolek Polívka, and the Shakespeare Festival, so I think theater.

What kind of driver are you?

Excellent, I'm better at driving than walking. I sometimes trip when I walk, but I am very confident behind the wheel.

And where is the farthest you have travelled?

To Sicily, we went there with Pavel Trávníček. That's where we were on our honeymoon.

AnchorDo you think that an ideal man exists?

Just like there is no ideal woman. It's important to define what one considers as ideal, someone thinks ideal is funny, someone beautiful, someone else that the person is always at home, someone wants to be out a lot, so ideal is actually a variable concept.

Your favourite food?


That's delightful, do you enjoy being an editor?

Yes, I do.
That's wonderful, I also enjoy being an actress, so we are both very lucky.
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