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The popular fashion designer talks about her new collection and her plans for the future.

Fast confession – designer Monika Drápalová: Jude Law should wear my clothes

Dominika Žejdl
25. 3. 2018
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Fashion designer Monika Drápalová is a popular and professional designer who creates fashion depending on her emotions, improvisation and chance. It is thanks to her original and unique work that she is one of the most important Czech fashion designers. Her fashion is chiefly sold outside our borders, but maybe things will soon change. Monika talked to Luxury Prague Life magazine what her plans for the future are, how her collections originate and whether she will finally open a boutique in this country.

I heard that you are currently collaborating on a new collection with Pietro Filipi, how is that going?

Yes, we are currently working on the new collection for spring 2019.

What will be interesting about the collection?

A few weeks ago we returned from a trade fair in Paris where we chose materials and now the work that I find most interesting begins, when the first ideas are created. I enjoy the beginning of a new collection, discovering new silhouettes and themes.

What themes?

Themes such as the return to nature, recycled and organic materials are appearing and most companies already offer special collections of materials focusing on these themes. Another strong trend is retro patterns, geometric patterns, stripes and chequers and new shades of brown, green and pink.

Loft 3+kk na prodej s terasou, Praha Modřany
Loft 3+kk na prodej s terasou, Praha Modřany, Praha 4

How did you prepare for the MBPFW?

Well, it was pretty hectic. I really have a lot of work and it was demanding. But it is a great pleasure for me. Compared to the industry, I retain my freedom here, so I always cut loose for these collections. I love shows.

What is the most difficult for you in relation to preparations for shows?

The most difficult? Definitely assuring manufacture and all the things related to the finished product. Coming up with an idea is one thing, but you also need someone to realise and create the idea. And by a certain deadline too.

How do you prepare a collection?

I think about it for quite a long time, so that takes me the longest. It is a sort of preparatory phase and then I suddenly feel that I don’t have anything and the deadlines are looming. But the preparatory phase is the most interesting for me, because I am putting together the overall concept, what it is supposed to be, what impression it should give. It is a lot about emotions for me, so I search more deeply for the theme than it just being dresses. And this is why music, makeup, the style of model and the overall effect of the show play a big role in this for me.

How would you describe your FW18 collection?

I called the theme FEEL RELAX. It is actually about the present day, when everyone is inundated by information, noise and devices, so everyone is seeking a sort of inner world. My collection is about quiet, relaxation, calming down, and this is why I chose a combination of homes wear – pyjama world vs. the outdoor world, which is symbolised by coats. So I actually have sort of combinations of pyjamas and coats in various versions.  

Which materials did you choose?

I like to experiment with materials with regard to technologies and recycling. But this time I went for one hundred per cent natural materials – silk, wool and cotton.

Do you also have any patterns in your collection?

Yes, the collection includes chequers, stripes and small patterns on the pyjamas. It is a lot about combining disparate elements and creating an individual appearance.

Who will be the star of your show?

Well, the star of the show.....I have several special models in it, it is difficult to say which of them will be the big star. I usually look for interesting people, like bloggers, or dancers, etc. I choose people depending on why they are interesting and their personality. I didn’t want a face that is superficially well-known.

What is the ideal size of a model in your opinion?

Certainly the classic size 36....But models are usually oversize, so the size is now not as important.

Monika, describe in your own words what sort of fashion you create.

I think I create a distinctive style, which is different and interesting to people who think like I do. I enjoy more artistic collections, which have a meaning, a story and a personal approach to fashion.

Which of your collections do you like best?

I naturally have a special experience with each of my collections. I usually begin with a theme, which I then develop. So each one actually continues in the next collection and everything continues to develop.

Where do you look for inspiration?

I would say that everywhere. Most of all in my experiences and my feelings, which I try to integrate into my collections. I constantly observe what is going on and try to deduce something from it that is interesting and unique for people.

Do you like the style of Czech celebrities?

To tell you the truth I don’t observe it that much, because I am not interested in people because of their famous name, but mainly because they are interesting to me for some reason. And only then am I interested in what they wear, etc.

Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany
Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany, Praha 4

Do you have any favourite foreign celebrity?


Who would you like to clothe?

Possibly a famous actor, like Jude Law. 

Who do you look up to?

I look up to various people, who keep bettering their work. I like it when something develops and keeps getting better.

Can you say which of our celebrities has no style?

I don’t think I want to go into that at all.

What does your normal day look like?

Hectic. I have children so I have to get up at seven, which is crazy for my daily regime (I was mainly used to working at night). But now I’ve had to change it, so I take the children to school, go to my studio or right now to Pietro Filipi and I also teach twice a week at a Secondary School of Fashion. So every day is packed full from morning to night. But I really enjoy it, there is no stereotype, which means that I have lots of inspiration.

Because you have children, have you ever considered designing clothes for children?

I tried it in my last collection with roses. I made the girls dresses and it was fine, but because that I think in abstract concepts and in the future, this assignment is too specific for me.

You used to talk a lot about the fact that your fashion does not sell well in this country. Has the situation improved?

Well, most importantly I still don’t have a place to sell my models. I don’t like the commission system, which our shops offer designers. This means that the shop does not work with you financially at all, it simply offers your collection for sale with the appropriate mark-up. There is no collaboration or orders placed and I think that this is very exhausting. But the situation is starting to change a little and some shops are starting to change the concept. It is very important for me that my brand works on a specific level and retains its exclusiveness.

You said that you would like to have a boutique in the centre of the city, are you planning on realising this dream?

Yes, but I need to find the right partners. I have plans and ideas, but I don’t want to reveal anything just yet....

What is your opinion of Czech fashion?

I think that everyone is doing what they can. People are much more interested in fashion than they were, so that is progress.

Which fashion trends do you like?

Thanks to Pietro Filipi I have a wonderful source and plenty of information, so there is a lot that I like. Fashion is derived from the needs of people and I consider it part of development. I like that things are starting to be recycled, that is meaningful.

Do you submit to colourful trends?

That seems to happen automatically. I really enjoy colours, so I try to involve them in my collections.

Have you achieved all your dreams?

I am happy to have a family and that I am able to work in a job that I enjoy. Those are the most important points. But professionally I am living with the feeling that the most important things still await me. And this continues to push me forward, to feel the birth of something new.

Fast confession:

What colour clothing would you never include in your collection?

There is no such colour, because I like all colours and I think that they can all be used in combinations with a good result.

Who has better taste? French or Czech women?

Well I think that is evident. French women for the time being, but Czech women are drawing closer to the ideal.

What makes you laugh?

I think everything makes me laugh. Sometimes even everyday situations on the street for instance.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I think I am both. Sometimes I feel like an introvert and I know that sometimes I am capable of behaving very extrovertly. So it is difficult to judge.

Which Czech woman in your opinion deserves to be called a fashion icon?

I think that definitely Aňa Geislerová and other young actresses who are appearing right now also have a very defined style.

What is your favourite place in France?


What do you not like about yourself?

Good grief, I really don’t know.

Plastic surgery – yes or no?


Where would you ideally like to have your boutique?

In the city centre.

What mistakes do men make most often in relation to fashion?

In courage.

Do you submit to fashion trends?

I don’t, but I think that they are an expression of the times and are important to me, so I observe them.

Your biggest dream?

My dream is health, love, beauty and luck.

Will you ever design for children?


How much is the most money you have spent on a fashion item?

Me personally? I don’t spend anything at all on fashion.
The interviewee asks the editor:

Which fashion designer do you like?

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