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Early Birds: A turning point for California's wildfires. Bayern won the Super Cup. Hanks spoke about Forrest

Linda Veselá
25. 9. 2020
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3 minutes
Tom Hanks stojí v tmavém obleku

Do you, like the majority of Czechs, love football and beer? If so, you're going to love today's Early Bird too, because it brings you news about both things! You'll also learn about the developement of the fight American firefighters are leading against one of the biggest wildfires in the Los Angeles area and find out which cult scene almost hadn't made it into Forrest Gump.

Budweiser Budvar will become more expensive in the Czech Republic

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Muž v kostkované košili sedí u baru a pije pivo
Muž v kostkované košili sedí u baru a pije pivoSource:

The Budweiser Budvar brewery will make their products more expensive starting next year: the price of bottled and canned beer will rise by about 3.7 to 4 percent on average.

According to Budvar director Petr Dvořák, the reason for the increase in prices is their revision, but he claims it won't be dramatic at all. The prices of keg beer will remain unchanged.

Prodej bytové jednotky 2x 1+kk, Praha
Prodej bytové jednotky 2x 1+kk, Praha, Praha 2

A similar measure was announced by Plzeňský Prazdroj in August - since October 1, some of their bottled and canned beers have become more expensive, by an average of 3.6 percent.

Half of the California wildfires are under control

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Hasič stojí před poničenou krajinou
Hasič stojí před poničenou krajinouSource: Profimedia

U.S. firefighters have managed to get about half of the fires that have been plaguing California in the past month under control. While on Tuesday morning, they had only won over 17 percent of the flames, the area nearly tripled by Thursday morning.

Dozens of people have already succumbed to the wildfires, and many more have had to leave their homes. The fires, which broke out on September 6, are one of the largest in the history of the Los Angeles area. About 1,600 people are fighting the flames.

Another trophy for the collection

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Fotbalisté Bayern drží cenu
Fotbalisté Bayern drží cenuSource:

The Bayern Munich team won their fourth trophy this year! In the UEFA Super Cup final, they defeated Seville 2:1. Javi Martínez played a significant role in the victory in the 104th minute, five minutes after he came off the bench. He told the UEFA:

"I try to give everything, 100 percent, whenever I wear the FC Bayern jersey, I showed that today. Doesn't matter if I play 10 minutes or 15, I always try to help the team, and today I helped with a goal. This is a dream. It was like 2013, when I scored then too."

Despite the ongoing epidemic, approximately 20,000 fans watched the match in Budapest.

The era of this particular aircraft is over

Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 232m2
Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 232m2, Praha 6

The very last Airbus A380 superjambo has been completed in France: the era of the largest passenger aircraft, consisting of four million components from 30 different countries, is coming to an end.

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Žena sedí v letadle a dívá se z okénka
Žena sedí v letadle a dívá se z okénkaSource:

The announcement that European aircraft manufacturers will discontinue the production of the Airbus A380 came in 2019. Since the first superjambo for Singapore Airlines in 2007, more than 240 of these aircrafts have been sold. Now, however, the basic assembly of the last machine of this type has been completed.

Czech entrepreneurs and consumers are showing more confidence

Confidence of Czech entrepreneurs and consumers increased month-on-month. The business confidence indicator increased by 4.0 points, the consumer confidence indicator by 3.2 points. In a year-on-year comparison, however, all indicators are still significantly lower than usual. Confidence also varied depending on the sector - while in industry, confidence fell, in construction or trade it increased month-on-month.

"Compared to the previous month, consumers were less worried about the deterioration of their financial situation in September. At the same time, however, they want to save more, which corresponds with their lingering fears of higher unemployment and increase in prices,"

added Jiří Obst, Head of the CZSO Business Tendency Department.

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Mladá žena telefonuje
Mladá žena telefonujeSource:

The running scene in Forrest Gump had almost been scratched

Remember the iconic scene from the movie Forrest Gump, where Forrest, portrayed by Tom Hanks, runs across America for three years? For a while, it looked like the cult scene wasn't going to be included in the film at all! Until Tom Hanks personally saved the situation...

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Tom Hanks stojí v tmavém obleku
Tom Hanks stojí v tmavém oblekuSource: Profimedia

In the talk show In Depth with Graham Bensinger, Hanks revealed that the Paramount studio refused to film the scene for director Robert Zemeckis, because it was too expensive. According to Hanks, the interview went something like this:

"The studio said, 'We can't afford it; you're not going to do it.' And Bob said, 'It's too important a part of the movie just to cut. We can make this work.' And they said, 'No, you can't.'"

Zemeckis therefore turned to Tom Hanks himself for help - with a suggestion that the two of them split cost of the scene. And they did! In return, Paramout shared a larger percentage of the profits with them.

And that's all from us for today! We wish you a relaxing extended weekend. Since you have a bit more free time now, why not give Forrest Gump another watch? And if you don't manage, you should know that:

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

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