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Early Bird: Prague defeats coronavirus. Ban on political advertising on Facebook. Rupert Grint has Instagram

Lukáš Bilinec
12.Nov 2020
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4 minutes
CEO Facebooku, Mark Zuckerberg

The technology giant Facebook is extending the ban on political advertising in the fight against misinformation. In the fight against the coronavirus, Prague is scoring points for a change and has become a nationwide highest achiever in managing to tame the pandemic! And did you know that BMW has big plans for electromobility?

Facebook has extended the ban on political advertising in the US

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Šéf Facebooku - Mark Zuckerberg
Šéf Facebooku - Mark ZuckerbergSource:

In the United States, you won't find a political-themed ad on Facebook these days. In addition, the social network has issued a statement today that it will extend this ban for another month as part of the fight against false news. It's mainly a response to many of Donald Trump's allegations in the recent days, when he questioned the results of the presidential election, although government officials did not report any significant irregularities and legal experts warned that he had very little chance of reversing the victory of the elected Democrat candidate Joe Biden. A group was formed on Facebook on Sunday, where more than 400,000 people exchange reports of alleged fraud during the counting of votes in various US states.

"The temporary pause for ads about politics and social issues in the US continues to be in place as part of our ongoing efforts to protect the election. Advertisers can expect this to last another month, though there may be an opportunity to resume these ads sooner,"

stated the social network on their blog.

Prague is ranks the best in taming the coronavirus pandemic

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Náplavka v Praze
Náplavka v PrazeSource:

Until a few weeks ago, Prague was the center of the coronavirus pandemic in the Czech Republic, and people in the countryside were upset when the people from Prague left to their cottages. Now, however, the situation is quite the opposite and Prague is the nationwide leader in the fight against the coronavirus. The chief Hygienist Jarmila Rážová attributes this to the strict adherence to the ordered protective measures. In particular, the mobility of citizens in Prague has decreased rapidly due to switching to work from home office. For the second week in a row in Prague, the daily increase in those infected didn't exceed the limit of 1,000. The amount of positive tests is also well below average. While in Prague it's around 15 percent, the average in other districts is up to 30 percent. Prague also has the lowest risk score in the new PES system, according to which future measures should be developed in individual regions.

"I very much appreciate the disciplines of the people of Prague in terms of compliance with the ordered measures. This is also evident in the declining daily number of new infections. But we haven't yet claimed the victory and must not yet relax at this moment either,"

said the mayor of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib.

Luxusní vila 5+kk na pronájem, Praha západ
Luxusní vila 5+kk na pronájem, Praha západ, Okolí Prahy

China plans to limit the power of its Internet companies

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Policie v čínském Pekingu
Policie v čínském PekinguSource:

The People's Republic of China is currently working on how to deal with the growing influence of its Internet giants. Nervousness is rising in the government circles about the growing power of digital platforms. The new rules could affect companies such as Alibaba, Ant Group or Tencent. Actions against giant companies are not uncommon worldwide. Efforts to limit the power of Internet companies can also be seen in Europe and the United States. Chinese technology stocks have fallen after the reports of planned regulations were released yesterday. The 22-page proposal of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) will try to prevent companies from sharing sensitive consumer data, thanks to which the biggest players manage to eliminate the competition.

Ron from Harry Potter has created an Instagram account

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Herec Rupert Grint s dcerou
Herec Rupert Grint s dcerouSource:

The English actor Rupert Grint has finally set up an account on Instagram. He appeared on the social network on a photo with his daughter and revealed her unconventional name - Wednesday G. Grint. The 32-year-old actor, best known for his role as Ron Weasley in Harry Potter's films about a student of magic, has been in a relationship with the English actress Georgia Groome for almost a decade. Their first offspring was welcomed in May this year. Rupert gathered more than 2 and a half million followers on Instagram in two days.

The world's first coral ark will be created in Australia

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První korálová archa na světě
První korálová archa na světěSource: Contreras Earl Architecture / SAN architectural illustration

Australia is building the world's first coral protection facility. Contreras Earl Architecture has published its designs for the world's first coral arc. The protection facility will be located at the Great Barrier Reef in Port Douglas in North Queensland, Australia. The aim of this project will be to ensure the long-term biodiversity of corals around the world, which is seriously threatened by the climate change. The company has teamed up with the leading engineering and sustainability consultants to create the Living Coral Biobank project, which has no equivalent in the world. Up to 800 species of corals should be cared for in this building for a long time. In addition, the building is designed to minimize energy consumption and maximize the gain of renewable energy. The multifunctional center will have an area of almost 7,000 square meters.

BMV introduced their new electric SUV

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Technologická vlajková loď BMW, iX SUV
Technologická vlajková loď BMW, iX SUVSource: BMW

The car giant BMW is turning its attention to the field of electromobility. The German car manufacturer has introduced its technological flagship, the iX electric SUV. The carmaker's new pride will boast a range of almost 500 kilometers. It should take 11 hours to fully charge the battery. The car is remarkably similar to the iconic BMW X5, but with a lower roofline and a more aerodynamic overall profile. BMW Design Director (Adrian van Hooydonk) said the design team wanted the exterior to look "clean, robust and almost monolithic".

BMW's electric SUVs will start production in southern Bavaria in the second half of the next year and should start rolling off the production line in early 2022. The exact price tag has not yet been determined, but the speculation is possibly over US $ 70,000 (roughly 1.6 million CZK).

That's all from us this morning. Even if everything didn't go your way during the day, remember the wise words of the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama:

"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck."

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