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Hundreds of buildings in several Czech and Slovak cities will be open to the public for free during the Day of Architecture festival

The Day of Architecture festival begins: Buildings that you rarely have a chance to visit will open. We present you a list!

Nela Štefanová
01.Oct 2019
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2 minutes

The ninth annual Day of Architecture festival will take place from 1 to 7 October in more than a hundred cities across the Czech Republic. In addition to tours of interesting buildings that are otherwise inaccessible to the public, you can also look forward to workshops, film screenings, discussions, art installations or walks, during which you'll discover many new places.

The main theme of this year's festival is Free Architecture, primarily because thirty years have passed since the Velvet Revolution. More than twenty thematic walks through Prague will open discussions on buildings and realizations in the 1990s. You will be able to see a number of monuments, memorials, but also buildings such as shopping centers or new banks, for instance the ČSOB Campus. The festival will also touch on the theme of revitalization of housing estates and the construction of satellite suburbs in Prague. We bring you a selection of five tips from the festival prgramme Hurá dovnitř! (Let's rush in!). You definitely shouldn't miss these tours!

1. Chateau Veleslavín

The one-storey Baroque Chateau Veleslavín, Czech Republic's cultural monument, will open its doors for the duration of the festival. You will be given a unique opportunity to explore its premises and learn more about the history of this beautiful castle.

Pronájem bytu 4+kk, Praha 8 - 110
Pronájem bytu 4+kk, Praha 8 - 110, Praha 8

Open in gallery (6)
Zámek Veleslavín
Zámek Veleslavín Source: pinterest

2. The Glass Palace

Another theme of 2019 is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Bauhaus, thanks to which not only the original staircase and atrium of the Glass Palace, but also the roof overlooking the Castle, which originally housed a sun bath with a bar, will be thematically opened at Prague 6.

Open in gallery (6)
Skleněný palác
Skleněný palác Source: wikipedie

3. The Radost (Joy) house

The prominent functionalist building will open its door as well - if you wish to visit it, head to Prague 3. The former Palace of the General Pension Institute, otherwise called the House of Trade Unions, was built in the 1930s based on the design of architects Karel Honzík and Josef Havlíček.

Open in gallery (6)
Dům Radost
Dům Radost Source: festival Den architektury

4. Czech Radio building

Have you ever wondered, where the radio stations Radiožurnál, Vltava or Wave are broadcasted from? Now comes your change to see the inside of the Czech Radio building, which was built according to the designs of architect Bohumil Sláma. You will be able to see not only the load-bearing structure of the entire building, but also the ceilings featuring ribbed reinforced concrete slabs and ceramic fittings. In addition to the entire functionalist Czech Radio building, you will be able to see the oldest pater noster, a kind of elevator with a continuously moving chain of cabins.

Open in gallery (6)
Source: @ceskyrozhlas

Open in gallery (6)
Source: @ceskyrozhlas

5. Prague Dox

Did you know that DOX Center has been expanded to include a wooden superstructure built in the shape of an airship? If not, you definitely shouldn't miss an unconventional tour offered as part of the festival, which will allow you to see, among other things, the new multifunctional hall reminiscent of the "Chesterfield" seat.

Movies are a must!

The Světozor cinema, CAMP, Goethe-Institut and Prague Gallery will also feature interesting screenings on the theme of Bauhaus and Free Architecture. Next to that, you can also look forward to a documentary about architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who is considered by many to be the greatest architect in US history.

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