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Celebrate New Year’s Eve in one of 4 Luxurious Clubs in Prague!

Eva Ledecká
22.Dec 2017
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M1 Lounge Bar & Club

The Prague club scene won’t let you down, even on the last day of the year! You can enjoy luxurious entertainment on New Year’s Eve in one of the well-known clubs in Prague. What to expect? We provide the latest information and programs from 4 popular Prague clubs. 


Do you like Brazilian dance rhythms but didn’t have the opportunity to visit the luxurious carnival in Rio de Janeiro? Well, you don’t have to fly anywhere! Just visit the luxurious SaSazu bar on New Year’s Eve, which the club will celebrate in the style of a Brazilian carnival. Enjoy an excellent New Year’s Eve in one of the best clubs in Prague – in style and with fireworks, laser move dance, and dance show. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to try culinary specialties in an eight-course menu.

Radost FX

The well-known Radost FX club in Prague will offer a New Year’s Eve with two floors and 6 bars. And it seems that this year carnivals are in, since this will also be the theme of the New Year’s Eve party here. You can look forward to plenty of color, luxurious hostesses, an excellent buffet including unique international delicacies and exceptional decoration. You’ll find ample amounts of entertainment in this club – and you can join the fun.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 18m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 18m2-Praha, Praha 10


The Buddha-bar offers a luxurious environment right in the center of Prague. So, what’s scheduled for New Year’s Eve? You can look forward to the Burlesque show and the unique melodies of a saxophone and violin. Sound enticing enough? Make sure to make reservations early, there will surely be a lot of demand for the high-brow entertainment offered at this club.

M1 Lounge Bar & Club

One of the most popular clubs in Prague focusing on RNB and hip hop also has quite the New Year’s Eve party in store for you. Enjoy the best of the club scene with your friends and celebrate the end of the year in style. You can enjoy the platinum-level party with the company of sexy dancers, luxurious drinks and excellent energetic music that will play until the morning hours!

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