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The Czech applied arts scene has been striving to pay tribute to creative and promising artists for 11 years through the Czech Grand Design competition for designers, photographers and for the first time this year, illustrators. It is an opportunity to reveal to the public creations that bear the seal of genuine value, global impact, luxury craftsmanship and above all, practical usability.

The Best of Czech Design - Czech Grand Design 2016!

Mgr. Jana Höger
22.Mar 2017
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Czech Grand Design Nominees

Competition categories

The evening gala ceremony has traditionally been held at the Estates Theatre, where the jury presents the 3 finalists in each category from a total of 116 nominated artists or companies. Only one of the finalists can win. The competition categories are: Designer of the Year, Designer in fashion, jewellery, graphics, photography and illustration, as well as Store of the Tear, Company of the Year and Discovery of the Year. There is also a Hall of Fame. 

Why Czech Grand Design?

Once again, this year boasts unique ideas full of fantasy and artistic enthusiasm, highlighting the fact that despite the small size of our country, we produce some great names in design. It is admirable that the Czech Design Academy duly rewards and appreciates them, rather than forgetting about them.

Finalists of 2016

This year, the finalists were literally crowned, because the award took the form of a glass crown designed by last year’s finalist Liběna Rochová.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 19m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 19m2-Praha, Praha 10

This year, the jury bore the burden of decision-making, as there was plenty to choose from. These are the final verdicts:

Designer of the Year – deForm, the company which dominated this year’s competition, taking home the award for its interactive game Koski and the Zig Zag shelving system for the Swedish company Herm. It was also named the Discovery of the Year 2013. It was founded by Jakub Pollág and Václav Mlynář.

The results in other categories were as follows:

Discovery of the Year: UMRUM student Eduard Herrmann

Illustrator of the year: Michal Bačák

Best Jewellery Designer: Markéta Kratochvílová

Graphic designer: Oficina studio

Photographer of the Year: Vendula Knopová

 The Best Fashion Designer of the Year 2016: Miro Sabo

Manufacturer of the Year: Bomma brand

The Best Store of the Year is PageFive, which you can visit at Veverkova 5 in Prague 7.

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Czech Grand Design
Haštalská 6, Praha 1, 110 00
+420 267 990 543 - 5