All Czechs can finally get testd for coronavirus without the instruction of a hygienist and at their own discretion. Several laboratories have been approved to offer private testing that people will pay from their own pocket. State-organized testing is currently lagging and people with symptoms are waiting for tests for several days.
In Prague, for instance, there is currently only one special ambulance that visits people at their homes and takes samples for testing. Unfortunately, it is unable to conduct more than a few dozen tests per day, thus people usually have to wait two, three or more days before they get tested. The same conditions apply to those who have recently returned from high-risk countries and are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. The situation is similarly tense in several other regions. Hygienists and doctors keep mandating new tests, but there are not enough capacities.
The number of people tested has risen dramatically in recent days; at this point, over 900 people per day are being tested in the Czech Republic, with the number of infected people having exceeded 200. Therefore, the government has expanded the number of laboratories that can officially test for coronavirus infection. And in addition to the testing ordered by a GP, hospital or hygienist, some of them will be testing anyone for a fee. Prices may vary and they are governed by the price list of the laboratory in question; expect to pay several thousands of crowns.
However, capacities are limited and laboratories are busy with routine testing. Some are even limiting public testing and have to reject interested persons. They are understaffed.
It is therefore worthwhile to first contact the laboratory by telephone, to agree on testing and possible procedure. As a rule, the sample is sent by courier in a specially packaged and secure package. It is definitely unwise to go to the lab personally.