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The year of Dog according to Chinese calendar could bring many changes into our lives. We have concentrated on the positive ones and found out for you what changes will await us as far as travel is concerned. We have something to look forward to!

Airport of Václav Havel: a Direct Flight to Philadelphia and Other News of 2018

Eva Ledecká
01.Mar 2018
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2 minutes

The Airport of Václav Havel has prepared for us a few new direct lines to very interesting destinations. 

From 4th May this year a new direct flight will be available from Prague to Philadelphia, a luxury destination, cradle of the USA. It was here that the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution came to be. Here are the most famous American steps - Rocky Steps. And it is also here, in the Museum of Art in Philadelphia, where you can admire one of the largest art exhibitions in the whole of America! 

In the summer to China, Qatar, Poland or Cyprus!

New destinations will also be added to the summer flight schedule, such as the Chinese Si-an or Qatar Dauhá; which are luxury direct flights, which were last summer not in operation. Without change we will be able to fly for a bit of history to the Polish Krakow or a litle warmth and sunshine to the Cyprus Larnaca.

A new Visitor Centre is to be established

However, the Airport has prepared many other changes, too. One of them is that during February, Terminal 2 will open its new Visitor Centre, which is now available only at Terminal 1. Here the passengers can find out all the necessary information about Prague and the Czech Republic, about flight arrivals and departures, information on the options of transport from the airport. Here they will be able to exchange money and purchase public transport tickets.

Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 232m2
Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 232m2, Praha 6

More comfort at the airport

For passengers flying to Schengen the airport plans to build a new relaxation zone beyond the security checking area. Gradually it will also starts with the replacement of the not very comfortable benches. The replacement ones will have built-in mobile phone chargers. Also, purchases before departure should be more interesting and supplemented by luxury tasting or an option to enjoy having a professional make-up. Buses used for the transportation of passengers from the aircraft to the terminal will be more modern, low-floor and of greater capacity. In the course of the year smoking rooms and children´s play area should be added, too.

More comfort will be added by the addition of steps from the Veleslavín Station, which should be installed as early as this year. More public transport ticket machines should also be installed.

A new website, applications and fun games

In 2018 the Airport of Václav Havel is to launch a new website with clean design and also the application will have a new and clearer layout. For those waiting, the airport has prepared luxury fun in the form of a new mobile game, to be downloaded in AppStore as well as Google Play. It looks as though the Year of Dog is sure to bring a lot of luxury travel experience!

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