Whereas in the past people would post photos of new handbags or luxury outfits on their social networks, it's face masks that's trending now. The more original, colorful and interesting model you choose, the better. Gone are the days when the entire Czech Republic suffered from a complete lack of face masks and a home-made piece put together out of an old sheet or T-shirt was considered a life-saver. Designers have figured out that it would be a great idea to take these "fashion accessories" to a whole new level and started selling them for thousands.
The Poner siblings are among the designers who adapted to the current coronavirus situation and started sewing face masks. They're making them in bulk both for charitable purposes and for the general public. Their face masks cost from hundreds to thousands of crowns. And it was the limited edition priced at 1,999 CZK, with the designers donating 5 face masks to a place where they are needed for each sold piece, that displeased many people.
"Really, Poners? 5 face masks for charity for a contribution of almost 2,000 CZK? It's basic maths, everyone who's sewn a single face mask must be rolling their eyes in disbelief!"
says one of the critical comments. However, the designers received also positive reactions to their effort. Singer Ilona Csáková was one of the people who didn't hesitate to express her full support:
"You are amazing and I'm rooting for you. Haters gonna hate. It's all they can do anyway, ignore it. You're doing a great job - and voluntarily."
The Poners know what they're doing. According to their words, nobody is interested in clothes now, so they've decided to use the fabric intended for new models in this way. If selling face masks is the only possible way for them to survive the pandemic and save their studio, the steps they've taken seem only logical.
Designer Miroslav Bárta also came up with a charitable idea. He decided to auction off four original and beautifully ornamented face masks on his Instagram account. The auction price starts at CZK 1,500 and the proceeds from the sale will go to the BE CHARITY endowment fund and to the non-profit organization Staň se srdcařem that focuses on supporting animals.
In cooperation with Boris Král, Vanda Janda also created luxurious haute couture face masks decorated with precious stones that are pleasing to the eye. However, she approached the situation very differently and shared only instructions on how to make a face mask with the public.
"We don't sell face masks, as we don't want to profit from a tragedy. We've made them for ourselves and the people around us."
Kateřina Geislerová is one of the designers who remained true to minimalism and left flamboyance to her colleagues. She offers cotton or silk solid color face masks from CZK 220, children's for CZK 80. She's only recently started selling them. Until now, she's been sewing them pretty much for free and supplied them mainly, but not exclusively to doctors in hospitals.
At this point, we can only guess how long face masks will be a mandatory part of our daily outfits. But the longer the situation lasts, the more likely it is that a stylish face masks will soon have the same value as a new Vuitton bag...