While Czech millionaires are mainly born in the signs of Taurus and Cancer, abroad it’s a bit different. Among the top ten wealthiest people in the world, the strong-minded Aries prevails and we may even find the born leaders, Leos. Both zodiac signs are fire type, typical for their decisiveness and great imagination.
Assertive Aries
Only a few words describe the people born in the sign of Aries better than assertive and ambitious. People born between 21st March and 20th April are natural-born warriors. On one hand, they are often called selfish and adversarial. At the same time, they do not lack courage, energy, and great ideas. They don’t want to compromise. Due to that, they often get far with their life, work-wise included. So it’s not a surprise that 3 of the wealthiest people in the world are born in this sign.
The Trio of Larry Page, Mukesh Ambani, and Steve Ballmer
The seventh wealthiest person in the world is also born Aries: businessman and co-founder of Google, Larry Page (March 26, 1973). His wealth reaches 1.8 billion crowns. Mukesh Ambani (April 19, 1957) is also born in the uncompromising zodiac sign. The Indian businessman, oil tycoon, and owner of Reliance Industries also owns the largest refinery in the world. His wealth reaching 1.6 billion crowns makes him the tenth wealthiest person in the world.
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Larry PageSource: Profimedia
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Mukesh AmbaniSource: Profimedia
The ninth wealthiest man in the world, Steve Ballmer (March 24, 1956), was also born in Aries. Between the years 2000 and 2014, he was the acting CEO of Microsoft and his wealth amounts to 1.7 billion crowns.
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Steve BallmerSource: Profimedia
Dominant Lion Sergey Brin
Born leaders, natural authorities, and people who like to be at the forefront. Attributes characteristic to those born between July 23 and August 22, in the sign of Leo. These people crave success and love to boast about it. They usually have a large charisma and organisation skills, which aids them in their career. However, their strength can also be their weakness, as Leos enjoy praise and are easily hurt by criticism.
The eighth wealthiest man is also a Leo. Sergey Brin (August 21, 1973), co-founder of Google with assets worth 1.76 billion crowns.
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Sergey BrinSource: Profimedia
Intuitive Pisces Bernard Arnauld
The great idealists of soft nature? Maybe, but also people with a strong intuition and single-mindedness. That's Pisces, the star sign of the fourth wealthiest person in the world, french businessman Bernard Arnaul (March 5, 1949). He’s the CEO of LVMH concern, including Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dior, Moët & Chandon, or Hennessy. Arnauld’s wealth is estimated at 2.3 billion crowns.
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Bernard ArnaultSource: Profimedia
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Relentless Scorpio Bill Gates
The third wealthiest person in the world, co-founder of Microsoft and philanthropist Bill Gates (born October 28 1955) with assets worth 2.8 billion crowns is born a Scorpio. Scorpios might seem inconspicuous, but don't let them fool you! They are persistent and when they put their head to something, nothing will stop them.
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Bill GatesSource: Profimedia
Logical Elon Musk
It might surprise you that among billionaires you might find even the overly sensitive Cancer. But don't jump to conclusions! Logical thinking and a great sense for personal relationships belong to their virtues. The second wealthiest person, businessman, inventor, and philanthropist Elon Musk (June 28, 1971) is also born in Cancer. The assets of co-founder of SpaceX and Tesla CEO’s amount to 2.9 billion crowns.
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Elon MuskSource: Profimedia
Precise Virgo
People born in the sign of Virgo are famous for being careful, hardworking, and for not being strangers to logical thinking. Among Virgos you can find the sixth wealthiest person in the world, Warren Buffett (August 30, 1930), also called “Oracle of Omaha”. The American businessman and philanthropist is the greatest shareholder of the company Berkshire Hathaway that belongs among the top 50 largest corporations in the world. Buffett’s wealth is estimated at 1.9 billion crowns.
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Warren BuffettSource: Profimedia
Hardworking Taurus Mark Zuckerberg
To nobody's surprise, some of the richest people in the world are born in the hardworking sign of Taurus. People born in this zodiac sign are well known for their practicality - to what is there more to ask for on your journey towards success! The fifth wealthiest man in the world, founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg (May 14, 1984), is also a Taurus. His wealth is estimated at 2.3 billion crowns.
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Mark ZuckerbergSource: Profimedia
Ambitious Capricorn Jeff Bezos
Since we are discussuing obvious facts, it is only natural that the wealthiest man of the world and founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos (April 12, 1964) is born as Capricorn. Typical for them high ambitions and the need for recognition. Only very few things are more important to them than success. And what is more successful than Bezos’ assets worth 4 billion crowns? He has managed to maintain the position of the wealthiest man even after the divorce, which made him lose a part of his wealth to his former wife.
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Jeff Bezos Source: Profimedia
The assets listed are based on the Bloomberg magazine from 4 December 2020.
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