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I'll have a baby before he does!

Pavlína Jágrová will get ahead of her famous uncle Jaromír!

Karolína Lišková
13.Jun 2020
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2 minutes
Pavlína Jágrová vyrazila bez partnera na výstavu.

The niece of the famous Czech hockey legend Jaromír Jágr Pavlína is working hard on making a baby, as she started to crave one upon approaching thirty. So far, however, she's not been lucky, even though she and her boyfriend have put in a lot of effort during the quarantine. The blogger is certain of one thing, though: that she'll definitely become a parent sooner than her famous uncle. And since she doesn't have to deal with shopping for trolleys yet, she went to look for a new car...

Kuklová vedle mladého partnera září štěstím.
Pavlína a její vyvolený.
Kuklová je zamilovaná až po uši.

Let's face it - a stroller or baby wouldn't fit in this fancy car. She appeared at the reopening of the Gallery of Steel Figures, which is inspired by the world of sci-fi, fantasy, fairy tales, the culture of fast cars and motorcycles.

Quarantine lovemaking

"The quarantine was terrible, apart from the fact that I missed my family, I was worried about my grandparents, as a result of which I didn't even go to Kladno, so I was sorry that a lot of events with the companies I work with were canceled. I'm glad that we can finally go out again and that galleries and museums are opening,"

Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m
Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m, Praha 1

said Jágrová and, once again, confirmed she is trying for a child.

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Jaromír Jágr se zatím mít děti nechystá...
Jaromír Jágr se zatím mít děti nechystá...Source: Instagram J. Jágra

"My partner and I have been hanging at home all the time and working on the baby, but I don't know if I'm pregnant yet. In any case, I'll definitely have a baby before my uncle does,"

she laughs, adding that she's very happy with her partner Sebastian and is ready to move the relationship forward.

Kuklová arrived with her old-new boyfriend

The ageless Princess Jasněnka, portrayed by Míša Kuklová (52), also sat on the steel throne. And she shone so bright with happiness that it seemed like someone was really going to put a diamond crown on her head. But the truth is much more sophisticated. The actress who is currently fighting cancer has recently dropped her partner Josef Wittner (40) because of the huge age difference. She wanted to give him a chance at a normal life and perhaps a family of his own.

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Vždycky byla a bude princezna.
Vždycky byla a bude princezna.Source: archiv Muzea ocelových figurín

But the entrepreneur didn't just let it go. He fought for his love just as hard as Míša fought cancer, which convinced her that she was truly loved and wanted. And which woman could resist that? Kuklová thus sat oh the throne and rightfully became the queen of the reopening of the gallery.

A spectacle for the whole family

The gallery of steel figurines was originally established in Poland, where the artist Mariusz Olejnik was recycling and creating works from various types of materials. Only when he began to make figurines from recycled steel, 5 European exhibitions gradually emerged from his idea.

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Na akci si přišel zablbnout i Jakub Kohák.
Na akci si přišel zablbnout i Jakub Kohák. Source: archiv Muzea ocelových figurín

He no longer creates the sculptures himself, 120 artists and craftsmen from all over the world work on them. It is they who weld the nuts, bolts, chains and other metal components that were previously part of automobiles. The steel exhibits consist of millions of parts and together, they weigh dozens of tons. One of the heaviest figurines is a huge autorobot, which welcomes visitors right at the entrance to the building with its magnificence. The robot weighs 1.5 tons and measures 3.4 meters.

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