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Czech celebrities, that are hated for various reasons.

These Czech stars get the most hate on the Internet. Why do people consider them a thorn in their side?

Šárka Peková
07.Mar 2021
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5 minutes
Natáliia Mykytenko

They have thousands of followers and their photos regularly get several tens or hundreds of comments, among which a lot of hateful ones often appear. Yes, of course, there are very positive comments too, but the negative ones always strike you in the eye. Why do people constantly need to attack public figures? What are the hateful comments usually about? We asked the well-recognized psychologist Laura Janáčková about that. At the same time, let's take a look at the famous Czech stars who suffer the most on social media!

Online hate is a display of human wickedness

Psychologist Laura Janáčková defines online hate as insults, which are often hidden under the guise of anonymity, and whose sole purpose is to ridicule and hurt a specific person or group. Both socially and mentally. As they have many followers, social media accounts of famous politicians, artists, and celebrities are routinely flooded with hateful comments. The goal of a "hater" is to harm the person, mentally abuse, frighten and thus weaken them, spoil their relationships, social connections, work, and life.

"Success, higher social status, wealth, unusual beauty, athletic performance, or other (even negative) publicity, more or less evoke emotions in the social environment. On the one hand, many people are positively motivated by these things. They bring forth admiration and a sincere, joyful sense of belonging. On the other hand, there are people who don't care about such matters at all. Lastly, in the worst-case scenario, for some, they represent a source of envy, hatred, animosity, and contempt. Wickedness manifests itself in people who are prone to verbal assault, humiliation, denigration, and the spread of anger,"

explains the renowned psychologist.

What does hate speech usually target?

"Hateful comments most often insult race, gender, nationality, religion, social status, or family. When it comes to women, it's their attractiveness, relationships, intelligence. For men, it's the performance, abilities, social status, etc.,"

Janáčková describes.

Which Czech celebrities are exposed to online hate the most?

We probably don't need to tell you that the Czech government is being sharply criticized in the current situation. In this case, the king would clearly be the Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, and the queen would be the Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic Alena Schillerová. However, we really do not want to drag politics into this, and that is why we've chosen other individuals for whom it's not so much easier on the Internet:

Anna Šulcová

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Anna Šulcová
Anna ŠulcováSource: Jana Krause

Until recently, many adults did not know who Anna Šulcová was, but everything changed on January 28, 2021, when the Czech government launched an advertising campaign on the social network TikTok worth half a million Czech crowns, featuring this 21-year-old influencer. Not only did the blogger receive such criticism on such a massive scale that she had to disable comments for a while, but her number of followers on Instagram also began to drop. Nevertheless, she received an invitation to the Jan Kraus Show. As they say - there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Prodej luxusní vily 284 m2 Statenice, Praha
Prodej luxusní vily 284 m2 Statenice, Praha, Praha 6

Natáliia Mykytenko

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Natáliia Mykytenko
Natáliia MykytenkoSource:

The charming blonde Natáliia Mykytenko is one of the most controversial figures on Czech Instagram. The 23-year-old participant of the social experiment Svatba na první pohled (Wedding at first sight) was at first condemned for her stand-offish behaviour, but now some people cannot stand her because of the breast augmentation she's recently undergone. Natáliia wasn't shy when it came to the size, she went for D cups straight away, and this is probably the main trigger of the "instahate". How does Natáliia handle criticism?

"As for the hateful comments, fortunately, I'm fine with them. I can't please everyone, that's perfectly fine. I keep my aura positive, so I can say that nothing upsets me too much. I believe that those comments and remarks tell more about the person who writes them. Plus, it wouldn't work without haters, it actually pushes you further,"

Natáliia told

Karlos Vémola

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Karlos Vémola
Karlos VémolaSource:

Thirty-five-year-old MMA wrestler Karlos "Terminator" Vémola has a lot of fans who support him, no matter what happens. Yet, as soon as Karlos lost the long-awaited fight with Attila Végh, or his affair with the silicone mistress Lulu was exposed, his critics thrived. The famous fighter had probably never been a target of such a wave of hatred! In general, though, he provokes people with his confident behaviour and the well-known line "Lions eat first", which divides the MMA world into two parts. Some people love him, others hate him, there is simply nothing in between. Despite it all, Vémola is undoubtedly an important figure in the Czech MMA scene and haters drive him forward.

"Fans are my driving force, but fortunately, in the sport I do, even those haters, who buy a ticket just to see whether Vémola gets punched in the face or not, increase my paycheck. And nothing pleases me more than ruining their joy. So, love or hate me, I am still getting paid,"

Karlos Vémola admitted to the editors of

Simona Krainová

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Simona Krainová
Simona KrainováSource:

Forty-eight-year-old model Simona Krainová is known for her unwillingness to put up with nonsense, and the same goes for unflattering comments, which she either deletes or responds to fiercely. All she needs to do is post a half-naked photo of herself or a picture of her dog and haters start attacking her like piranhas. The charming wife of Karel Vágner Jr. was accused of getting her four-legged pet from a puppy mill. Even the fact that she allows it to lick her on the mouth is seen as a problem by some people. Recently, the model infuriated her followers with an "encouraging" message from an exotic vacation, which had a rather opposite effect.

"I went too far with the choice of words and you chose the wrong point of view. My mistake,"

Krainová blamed herself.

The message read as follows: "From district to district, from one beach to another, we're staying here, even though we are with you in spirit, stay strong." The model deleted it from her profile. Yet, she remained misunderstood.

Nela Slováková

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Nela Slováková
Nela SlovákováSource:

Many people hold a grudge against the businesswoman from Brno since her failed business attempt regarding face masks. For many months she had to face the comments, in which people called her a cheater and a hyena profiting from human fear and misfortune. Not long ago, her trousers started yet another Instagram war. She claimed she had them made from the original Louis Vuitton fabric. However, this seemed fishy not only to ordinary users of social media but also to fashion designers, who doubted the authenticity of the fabric. The 31-year-old winner of the reality show Hotel Paradise is also known for her arrogant reactions to the criticisms, which aren't a great help for her already tarnished reputation.

The limits of criticism

In conclusion, it is important to mention that every criticism or aggression has its limits, and if someone thinks that they can do anything on the Internet, they are wrong.

"Haters always skirt the edge of the law. Online harassment and cyberbullying can be traced and classified as a crime. It only depends on the enforceability of the injured party's right not to be insulted and humiliated. Unfortunately, many won't even use their rights, because an anonymous hater means nothing to them,"

Mrs. Janáčková added.

What does this mean in the end? You will never be able to please everyone, especially if you present yourself as a successful and strong personality. Some will adore you, others will hate you, it's always been like that. It doesn't matter if you are a celebrity or a hater, though. In both cases, one should be careful about what they say on the Internet because it could easily backfire. And if someone really can't stand a person, it's best to simply ignore them and not follow them. This saves a lot of time, energy, and negative thoughts. In the end, it won't make anyone happier anyway.

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