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Early Bird: Chalamet as Edward the Scissorhands. Cross-country skiers on Charles Bridge. Clubhouse blocked in China

Kateřina Ostrejšová
09.Feb 2021
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3 minutes
Timothée Chalamet

The ad that ran during the Super Bowl finals, in which actor Timothée Chalamet appeared as the son of Edward the Scissorhands, was well received. Prague was snowed in, which some people used as a chance to ski on the Charles Bridge. In China, access to the US Clubhouse app has been blocked. Read about it in today's Morning Bird.

Extension of the Strakonická street

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Vyhlídka na Prahu.
Vyhlídka na Prahu.Source:

Yesterday, the Prague City Council approved the Operational Program - Pole of Growth in the Czech Republic project. Its aim is to widen the Strakonická Street in the direction of the city center in the section between the Dostihová and Barrandovský most stops, thus enabling the creation of a lane for buses and rescue vehicles.

Buses frequently wait in convoys here, and even IRS vehicles often have a difficult to pass. The project with an estimated expenditure of 420 million therefore envisages a widening to of the road through modification of slopes, construction of retaining walls and relocation of utility networks, including modification of drainage.

"Strakonická is a busy turn-off and all road users will benefit from the dedicated lane for public transport and rescue vehicles. People in public transport will no longer have to be stuck in traffic jams, rescue vehicles will be able to pass comfortably and at the same time more space will be freed up for drivers in personal cars. We will increase the smoothness and safety of traffic at Strakonická, and we are also designing an underpass to replace the current pedestrian crossing, so that drivers in Zbraslav don't have to unexpectedly hit the breaks on an busy Prague road.,"

specified the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Transport Adam Scheinherr.

Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108
Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108, Praha 1

Clubhouse blocked in China

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Žena něco poslouchá ve sluchátkách.
Žena něco poslouchá ve sluchátkách. Source:

Yesterday, access to the US Clubhouse app, which allows thousands of users to participate in discussions that are often censored in China, was blocked in the country. Launched in early 2020, Clubhouse saw a sharp increase in the global number of users earlier this month after Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev had held a surprising discussion on the platform.

Masses of new users from China joined as well and took part in discussions on topics that included sensitive issues such as the Xinjiang detention camps, Taiwan's independence, and the Hong Kong National Security Act.

When the first reports of Internet breaches began to appear on Monday, nearly 3,000 users opened a room on Clubhouse to discuss whether it had been blocked by Chinese censors, with some concern that authorities might be watching the discussions.

Timothée Chalamet's advertisement was a success

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Timothée Chalamet
Timothée ChalametSource:

That's what we call an advertising blockbuster! We're talking about one of the commercials that ran during the Super Bowl finals. It features actor Timothée Chalamet in the role of the son of Edward the Scissorhands, a character from the classic Tim Burton movie from 1990.

In a Cadillac commercial, we watch young Edgar roam the world with scissors on his hands, just like his father (portrayed by Johnny Depp in the movie). Actress Winona Ryder reprized her role of Kim, the partner of Edward the Scissorhands, in the commercial. At the end of the ad, Edgar finally finds peace in his soul when his mother lets him drive a family Cadillac. (you can watch the ad below the video)

Chalamet's pale appearance perfectly reflects Depp in the film, including his leather outfit. No wonder there was a discussion on Twitter that the young actor should become the face of the "new Edward the Scissorhands". However, in an interview for Vogue, Chalamet explained that the aim of the advertisement was to celebrate Burton's film. The actor is currently shooting a Netflix comedy called "Do Not Look Up" alongside Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Facebook will remove fake posts about vaccines

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Aplikace Facebook v telefonu.
Aplikace Facebook v telefonu.Source:

On Monday, Facebook said that it would begin removing false claims about coronavirus vaccines, such as that they are toxic or cause autism, from the platform. All sites and accounts that repeatedly share similar opinions will be blocked.

The company introduced stricter rules in the fight against vaccines already in December, when it announced that it would remove all false claims about vaccines that had been flagged by public health experts. Facebook also said it would help users find out where and when they can get the vaccine. They will be cooperating with Johns Hopkins Private College and AARP (a group that focuses on issues affecting people over the age of 50) to approach black people and Native Americans over the age of 50 with educational content about concerns they may have regarding vaccination.

Cross-country skiers on the Charles Bridge

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Běžkař na Karlově mostě.
Běžkař na Karlově mostě. Source: archiv Dominika Feriho

Prague hasn't seen such a snowfall in a very long time. According to meteorologist Dagmar Honsová, up to nine centimeters of snow fell overnight. Prague road workers have therefore sent a large number of spreaders and smaller machines to the streets. Buses, trains and trams have been experiencing problems, as tracks were buried under snow. The organizer of Prague's integrated transport recommended that people use mainly the metro. Some people, however, didn't mind the heaps of snow - a couple of cross-country skiers appeared on the Charles Bridge.

From midnight to 11 o'clock, 40 traffic accidents occurred in Prague. Fortunately, there were no serious consequences. Compared to last Monday, it's eight accidents more. Firefighters had only two snow-related call-outs.

"When we have such a weather like today, everyone drives slowly and carefully, so paradoxically we don't have that many call-outs,"

said spokesman for Prague firefighters Martin Kavka.

That's all from us this morning, if you feel like you're behind with something today, stop for a moment and remember Lucius Seneca's words:

"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."

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