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Landscape festival will bring life to Prague 3

Art in Žižkov: Jump on top of cars and get away with it, the Landscape festival has begun!

Karolína Lišková
20.Jun 2020
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2 minutes
Na 40 instalací oživí pražský ŽIžkov.

Although Žižkov in Prague already had quite a rich day and night life, new elements that deserve attention have recently appeared here. Forty different works of art, installations and interventions have been placed in public space throughout the area. Some of them are interactive. They were created by both Czech and foreign architects. In front of the City Hall of Prague 3, for example, you can jump on top of car roofs - and get away with it.

David Černý schoval na Žižkově další ikonické miminko.
Puzzle Park od NL architects.
Galerie jednoho obrazu od Víta Čechmánka.
Instalace Davida Vávry na Kostnickém náměstí hraje barvami.

The interactive installation from Italian author Benedetto Buffalini directly encourages people to try, and Prague 3 had no issue with that. Special wooden boards have been installed on a few selected cars to prevent damage to the vehicles, with a mattress placed over them for more comfortable landing. Benedetto Bufalini's installation is called La piste d'athlétisme sur les voitures.

"People want to have fun, my installation will enable them to do something unusual,"

the author explained the purpose of his idea. The City Hall of Prague 3 is pleased that the popular festival is taking place in Žižkov of all places.

"Cultivation of public space is an important topic for us, which is why I am glad that the Landscape Festival once again takes place in Prague 3 this year. For a few months, our space will be enlivened by art and interesting ideas for its application. Personally, I'm most excited about the installation Water for You by Richard Loskot or Patrik Hábl's Waterfall,"

says Pavel Křeček, Councilor for Culture and Strategic Planning of the Prague 3 District.

Prodej luxusní vily 284 m2 Statenice, Praha
Prodej luxusní vily 284 m2 Statenice, Praha, Praha 6

Open in gallery (2)
Před radnicí Prahy tři můžete díky Benedettu Buffalinimu skákat po autech.
Před radnicí Prahy tři můžete díky Benedettu Buffalinimu skákat po autech.Source: Landscape festival

There can never be too much of water

Many installations revolve around the topic of water; the one from Loskot is located on Havlíček Square and it involves tasting water from rain gutters via a drinking fountain with nanofiltration.

On hot days, visitors can also refresh themselves at the new water elements from the students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University on the corner of Jeseniova and Prokopova streets and on Radost Square. These encourage not only refreshment, but also reflection on the vulnerability of the water cycle.

The atmosphere of Kostnické Square in 1914 will be commemorated by a colorful installation from the architect David Vávra. A giant painting on a panel house in Kubelíkova Street from Patrik Hábl called Waterfall will draw attention to the unstoppable flow of time, transience and the natural element.

Open in gallery (2)
Pítko od Loskota.
Pítko od Loskota.Source: Landscape festival

Dancers will be your guides

Residents and visitors to Žižkov can newly also build their own park thanks to an interactive installation by NL Architects from Amsterdam called Puzzle Park, which is inspired by the legendary Žižkov puzzle Patnáctka that many people it in the housing estate in Žerotínova Street still remember.

The festival was officially opened with yesterday's concert of the cult bands Dunaj and Už jsme doma in Žižkov BeerGarden. Today and tomorrow, most of the installations and interventions will come to life through dancing and singing thanks to performances within the TANEC PRAHA Plíce Žižkova festival. On both days, over 60 performers will guide visitors and lovers of non-traditional experiences through various routes, covering most locations of the landscape festival.

"The festival aims to guide visitors through the green infrastructure of Žižkov, drawing attention to the exceptional number of parks and other types of urban greenery and underlining their landscape, nature and recreational potential,"

Dan Merta, director of the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, comments on behalf of the organizers.

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