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Ans what are we doing to save our planet?

FAIR AND SQUARE: Visionary Greta influences millions of people! ...or is she more of a thorn in their side?

Anděla Vostrá
04.Oct 2019
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3 minutes
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Greta je dívka ze Švédska, co bojuje za naši planetu.

For a few days, I've had a tiny gripe about Greta Thunberg. Not that I'd suddenly have a bad consciousness about going on vacation by plane, I just feel kind of sorry for that girl. She's getting a terrible hatestorm from half the world, just because she wants our nice and round planet to last a while longer. That sounds pretty nice to me, especially coming from a 16 year old. Let's be honest, what were -you- doing at sixteen? I was giving my first cigarette a try and couldn't care less about where I'd drop the butt...

V Česku nejsou děti lhostejné.
Planeta nemůže lidské zásahy vydržet dlouho.
Lidé a Země. Podle Grety katastrofa.

Check out what Wikipedia says about this young girl... The page is so long that a number of Czech celebrities pale with envy, seeing how much information has already been gathered about her. In addition, this year, she received an "alternative" (whatever that means) Nobel Prize for inspiring and reinforcing the demands of urgent solutions to climate change by politicians in accordance with scientific facts.

I'm well into my thirties and so far my only achievement worth a prize was being able to chug a pint of beer, bottoms up. Yup. To tell you the truth, Greta gets me depressed. She completely denies all the idioms about lazy students who don't care about anything, hanging óut on social networks or playing computer games all day long. Or, in case they're from poor families, lazying around in the park with a cig in their mouth and cheap wine in their hand.

Prodej investičního ateliéru 22m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 22m2-Praha, Praha 10

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Díky Gretě se každý pátek plní ulice demonstruujícími studenty po celém světě.
Díky Gretě se každý pátek plní ulice demonstruujícími studenty po celém světě. Source: Facebook

Mental diseases

Critics are tearing her apart because she has autism and a number of other mental illnesses, but let's be honest, who doesn't occasionally pop a pill to help them calm down or get a better night's sleep nowadays? Greta doesn't have to be ashamed for her illness, because it certainly isn't hurting her intellect. Remember the movie Rain Man with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman? Hoffman's character was also autistic and he'd have easily ruined the entire casino. Autists are simply brainiacs.

And that she suffers from depression every now and then? Honestly? That kind of comes with a name such as Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg. Moreover, her parents are artists, so Greta was and is being raised very liberally. So if the girl decides to skip school on a Friday, it's okay. But again, why is she doing it - in order to get high somewhere behind the corner? No! She managed to make her Friday strikes for a better climate become so widespread around the world that even Czech students have already caught on! Some say that they're doing it just to avoid having to go to school, but I think there really is a higher goal here.

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Greta o problémech s klimatem hovoří po nejrůznějších světových konferencích.
Greta o problémech s klimatem hovoří po nejrůznějších světových konferencích.Source: Facebook

Our planet is angry

Don't tell me you haven't noticed that it's starting to be awfully hot in the summer, that groceries keep getting more expensive, because farmers are always complaining about drought, overpopulation of voles, hailstorms or longer frosts... Sure, it's the same every year, but the impacts are certainly getting worse.

That blue ball simply cannot withstand everything we're pelting it with. It must defend itself somehow. The heat, the fires and the tornadoes... that's just a small warning, by which the Earth means to say, you guys are making me angry. You really should stop, or else...

Because we're destroying it for real. The chance that I'm gonna have to eat artificially grown meat is getting real! That honestly made me cry non-stop for like a week, because even though I like animals, I like them even more on a plate...

Simply put, scientists have been sounding the alarm for quite some time, and politicians are still ignoring it. Our president even said that the climate conference was a media bubble and Greta should go back to her class... That doesn't even require a comment. Alright, he might not be giving a damn, cause he won't be here to experience whatever's about to come. But I don't understand how can he ignore it when he has a daughter... who might have a daughter of her own one day... A daughter that may never get to taste a beef steak or a fish from the sea!

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Je vám v létě vedro? Bude hůř.
Je vám v létě vedro? Bude hůř. Source: Pixabay

Sea Shepherd

Greta reminded me that today's children are smarter than we are. Thanks to the Internet and all the information available. When I thought about Greta, I remembered Ella Grace from Canada. She's known as "Ella saves the ocean" and she is an eight-year-old girl who loves the sea and the sharks in it. This little girl learned all there was to know about them and realized that we humans are destroying the oceans, be it by throwing out things that don't belong in there, or by massively hunting fish for our consumption, due to which large predators have nothing to eat. She's trying to influence the world around her as much as she can by passing on information that not everyone has. And she's just eight! The organisation Sea Shepherd accepted her with open arms.

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Ella Grace z Kanady se snaží zase zachraňovat oceány.
Ella Grace z Kanady se snaží zase zachraňovat oceány. Source: Facebook

We, too, can set an example. Perhaps not massively and publicly to thousands or millions of people, but at least to ourselves. Start with small steps. I'm certainly no do-gooder or bio-eco activist, but, for example, I pick up garbage from ground on my way to work. And sort it. And I try not to waste water and... I don't have a car (because I live in the center, I know...) But it makes me feel better for not being totally ignorant. Maybe I'd make Greta proud, or, on the contrary, maybe she'd wonder why I'm doing so little for our planet in comparison...

And what are you doing to save our planet?

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