Apple faces a pretty steep fine for not making its iPhones as waterproof as it claimed to. And they're not the only ones who'll have to pay for their mistake. The smugglers who smuggled face masks to Prague have been slapped with a hefty fine, too. Meanwhile, Pharrell Williams is launching a range of skin care products that definitely shouldn't be of interest to women alone.
Counterfeit face masks
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Padělaná rouškaSource: Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně
Not only all life in the Czech Republic, but also the type of smuggled goods adapted to the coronavirus crisis. In three shipments transported on a flight from Vietnam to Václav Havel Airport Prague, customs officers detained a total of 11,623 pieces of textile face nasks.
"The investigation found infringement of the intellectual property rights of Disney Enterprises, Marvel Charakters, Inc. or Hasbro Inc trademarks,"
detailed the customs officers. The shipments also contained various types of clothing and accessories that sported Louis Vuitton, Gianni Versace, Christian Dior, Burberry, Chanel or Disney logos. If the goods had made it to the market, the trademark owners would have suffered damage of two million crowns.
Covid-19 and lung damage
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Doktoři v laboratořiSource:
A study by researchers at Oxford University found that Covid-19 can cause anomalies in the lungs that are detectable even than three months after the patients were infected. The study involved 10 patients between the ages of 19 and 69, and the researchers used a new imaging method. It uses Xenon gas, which patients inhale during magnetic resonance imaging.
And what did the scientists find out? In eight of the patients, shortness of breath and fatigue persisted, even though none of them had needed an intensive care unit or pulmonary ventilation during coronavirus treatment. The scans revealed signs of lung damage in all eight patients - they highlighted areas where oxygen couldn't enter the bloodstream. Alarmingly, conventional imaging methods don't reveal any problems with their lungs.
Researchers will now examine the damage on a sample of 100 people. They want to find out whether they have also developed lung damage and if so, whether it is permanent or whether it will disappear over time.
Apple got a hefty fine
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Žena píše na telefonuSource: Averianov
The technology giant Apple got a fine of 264 million crowns. According to the Italian regulatory authority, the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM), the company makes inaccurate claims regarding how waterproof their iPhones are.
The AGCM claims that Apple misled their customers in two points. First, in advertising materials and on their website, Apple claims that all iPhone models from 8 to 11 are waterproof at a depth of between 1 and 4 meters for up to 30 minutes. According to the AGCM, however, Apple reached this conclusion under laboratory conditions with still pure water.
The second complaint concerns the warranty, as it doesn't cover water-damaged iPhones. The company doesn't even repair such phones.
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Skin care for "humans"
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Pharrell WilliamsSource: Profimedia
It's 2020 and cosmetics have long been used by both women and men. The cosmetics industry is growing and there are products for everyone on the market. Still, it was surprising to find out that super-talented musician, producer and designer Pharrell Williams was launching a range of skin care products. Moreover, it's unique in that it is intended for all people regardless of gender. The name of his brand corresponds with this approach: Humanrace.
Lizards are not the only speacies that can grow their tail
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Small lizards are known for their extraordinary ability to grow their tails when needed. However, a new study found that these creatures are not the only ones.
Researchers were shocked to find that alligator pups could also regrow their tails up to about 20 centimeters or 18 percent of their body length.
"The regrown skeleton was covered with connective tissue and skin, but lacked the skeletal muscle with which the lizard's tails regenerate,"
described one of the researchers of the Arizona state university in the USA. However, he believes even that is of key importance for these predators. According to the researchers, understanding this process can help with regenerative therapies in humans.
And that's all from us for today. We wish you a pleasant day and don't rush anywhere today. As Seneca said:
"Constant effort will sap our mental vigor, while a short period of rest and relaxation will restore our powers."
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