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Early Bird: Argentina has recorded more than one million Covid-19 infections. Legendary cars go up for auction. We know which movie is the scariest of all times

Linda Veselá
20.Oct 2020
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3 minutes
Sacha Baron Cohen v obleku

Argentina is breaking sad records in coronavirus infections. And if that's not frighteting enough for you, we've got more news: scientists have found out which horror movie is the scariest. Or are you more spooked by the idea of Sascha Baron Cohen dressed up as Donald Trump?

The government wants to help traveler agencies

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Pár cestuje
Pár cestujeSource:

The government has allocated half a billion of Czech crowns for the Covid - Tourism Support program, in which travel agencies, tour operators and guides may apply for subsidies. The support program will be published by the end of October and eligible subjects will be able to draw down the funding until June 2021. The Minister for Regional Development Klára Dostálová commented on the situation:

Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108
Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108, Praha 1

"Given the current pandemic situation, it is obvious that the circumstances will not change by the end of the year, and even during the first months of 2021, the changes could be really slow. The situation in tourism will therefore be long-term. After the crisis subsides, we will start to focus on boosting demand."

Tourism is one of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. 12 percent of travel agencies and tour operators (over a hundred in total) have already gone out of business this year. Before the crisis, more than 13,000 people were employed in travel agencies.

A sad record for Argentina

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Žena s rouškou sedí na zastávce
Žena s rouškou sedí na zastávceSource:

Argentina has become the fifth country in the world to exceed one million coronavirus cases. The spread of the disease has accelerated in recent weeks. The South American country has a population of approximately 45 million people, out of which 1,002,662 have been infected since the spring. In the last 24 hours, there have been almost 13,000 new cases and 450 deaths. In total, more than 26,000 people have died of the disease in Argentina.

The United States still remains the most affected country in the world. India ranks second and Brazil third.

Bertone's Batmobiles are going up for auction

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Vozy Alfa Romeo Bertone B.A.T. stojí na poušti
Vozy Alfa Romeo Bertone B.A.T. stojí na pouštiSource: Ron Kimball © 2020 RM Sothebys

The cars have a distinctive shape that looks like something out of a fantasy or science fiction movie. They share similar aerodynamic features, but each is one of a kind. We're talking about the Alfa Romeo B.A.T. concept cars, on which the prestigious carmaker collaborated with the Bertone studio. Now they can be yours: at the end of the month, three futuristic concept cars from the 1950s are going up for auction in New York.

The auction description speaks of them as "one of the most remarkable and memorable automotive designs ever created." Did we spark your interest?

There's a catch, though: you can only buy them all together, at an estimated cost of $ 14 million to $ 20 million.

And the prize for the scariest horror movie goes to...

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Pár sleduje strašidelný film
Pár sleduje strašidelný filmSource:

That's what a study entitled "Science of Scare" attempted to find out. The researchers evaluated the individual films according to the average heart rate of approximately fifty viewers during more than 100 hours of watching horror films. Based on the results, they compiled a list of the 35 scariest ones.

And who's the winner? Sinister (2012) came out as the scariest. According to the study, the audience's heart rate accelerated by almost a third while watching it.

The film Insidious (2010) was second, followed by The Conjuring (2013). Only four films older than twenty years made it to the selection - The Exorcist (1973), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Halloween (1978) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974).

Conflict between China and Taiwan

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Tchajwanské oslavy v ulicích
Tchajwanské oslavy v ulicích Source: Profimedia

The celebrations of the Taiwanese embassy on the island of Fiji supposedly ended in the injury of a representative of the Taiwanese embassy. Apparently, representatives of the Chinese embassy decided to drop in at the event unexpectedly with the intention to take pictures of the guests. They proceeded to be vulgar to the staff and the incident resulted in one Taiwanese staffer being sent to a hospital with a head injury.

China commented on the event yesterday, claiming that the Taiwanese, had provoked members of the Chinese embassy who were on the march.

Sascha Baron Cohen as Trump

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Sacha Baron Cohen v obleku
Sacha Baron Cohen v oblekuSource: Profimedia

The English comedian doesn't try to hide his negative opinions on the current American president. And so he pulled a crazy trick for his upcoming movie. In February, he crashed the Conservative Political Action Conference with Vice President and Trump's supporter Mike Pence, wearing a prosthetic face mask and a fatsuit.

Cohen says the most challenging part was to sneak into the speach. One of the major complications of his stunt was the fact that for the purpose of shooting a scene from his upcoming movie, he was carrying his "daughter" over his shoulder. Another minor issue popped up during the security check.

"Then I ended up hiding in the bathroom, listening to conservative men go to the toilet for five hours until I broke into the room. We were surrounded by Secret Service and police and internal security,"

described Cohen, who often speaks against Trump. The sequel of Borat should therefore have its premiere before the elections, on October 23 on Amazon.

And that's all from us for today! We wish you a relaxing day and don't let fear spoil it for you. Unless you're watching a scary movie, of course. As the American writer Elbert Hubbard said:

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you'll make one."

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