Sacral buildings with a spiritual dimension have their own unique charm. They often impress us with their hidden symbolism, emotional charge and minimalism. Today, we present you 3 luxury churches with a modern look.
The design comes from pen of the architect Marek Jan Štěpán. The church, whose layout resembles a rolled up scroll, took two years to build. The construction budget was 20 million CZK, which were spent on precise construction, not on flamboyance and decorativeness. According to the author, the church was supposed to seem as little material as possible, resulting in an etherial look. That is why it can boast with a luxurious architectural project, yet remains modest and focuses on the thing that is most important for believers - faith in God. It's a splendid place to contemplate, stop and quiet one’s mind.
It ranked among the top 10 world buildings in 2018.
The luxurious family chapel was built in Osek nad Bečvou by architect Petr Pelčák. It is dedicated to the old lineage of farmers who were persecuted by the previous regime; specifically to the grandfather of the builder himself. It carries symbolism not only in its shape, but also location. It does not overlook its surroundings from a ridge, but stands on a slope on the border between the forest and the field, lined with a cherry tree alley. Thanks to the concrete shuttering in the tree trunks, it resonates perfectly with the surrounding area.
The construction of the church was completed in 2017.
St. Prokop is an ecumenical church and a social center of the Roman Catholic parish Prague-Stodůlky, built in 2001. The author of the design is the architect Zdeněk Jiran. Its shape diversification refers to the distinction between profane and sacral life of man. It stands out through its color - the church has a blue plaster coating, the adjoining prismatic building of the community center has a surface of facing bricks.