The gender-neutral men's collections we've recently been seeing at world fashion weeks left a lot of questions unasnwered. If you've happened to notice this trend, you might well have wondered: "Where have all the men gone?" We've found out! All this time, they've been getting ready for the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show, so that they could show off their six-packs, present the luxurious Spring/Summer 2021 collection that screams testorene, and prove that the men as we know them aren't dead yet.
The Spring/Summer 2021 collection is dedicated to Italian design, creativity and an unforgettable holiday atmosphere in Sorrento. It's evident at first glance that the new Dolce & Gabbana collection drew inspiration from the azure sea. In order to avoid possible monotony, the designers decided to include delicate white, elegant black, denim or distinctive geometric patterns in the luxury collection. And how did it work out? Amazingly well!
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Muž v modrých kalhotách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
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Muž v modrých plavkách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
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Muž v černo-bílém outfitu Dolce & GabbanaSource:
Muž v bílém obleku Dolce & GabbanaSource:
"I don't like the digital broadcast solution. The digital can’t substitute the live shows. You need physical contact, human connection, because fashion starts with people,"
designer Domenico Dolce said about the show. And looking at Spring/Summer 2021, we can only agree with him. Our own hearts have been - and still are - bleeding as we witness fashion weeks lose their authenticity. Is the Dolce & Gabbana show a harbinger of brighter days ahead? We can only hope.
From espadrilles to suits
And now it's time to take a look at what the Italian couple has prepared for us. Casual pants, suits and shirts, stylish bombers and bermudas, trendy espadrilles, swimwear or clothes for the beach and for relaxation on a sunlit terrace. This and more can be found in the luxurious Spring/Summer 2021 collection. Which five outfits are the favorites of our fashion editors? TOP 5
Elegance, a sexy style, looseness and creativity. These are the four aspects we have fallen for, which is why we think the following five outfits shouldn't be missing in the closet of any man who enjoys fashion and new trends.
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Muž v modelu Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2021Source:
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Muž v modrém obleku Dolce & GabbanaSource:
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Muž v modré košili a bermudách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
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Muž v modelu Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2021Source:
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Muž v modrém outfitu Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2021Source:
More models from the Spring/Summer 2021 collection can be found in the gallery at the end of the article.
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Testosterone strikes back!
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Muž v bílém obleku Dolce & GabbanaSource:
Let's look the truth in the eye - the latest men's collections have been a little... challenging for the eye. And I don't even mean the outfits themselves, but the models wearing them. In short, no real man as far as the eye can see. I'm not saying that men necessarily have to look like Rocky Balboa, but when you see a guy that weighs 30 kg soaking wet wearing fanny pack around his waist, it doesn't really fit in the "I'm a cute little princess" pretense game that we girls like to play. I would therefore like to thank D&G for putting, in addition to wearable clothing items, a little testosterone and abs in this year's collection.
White's whiter, outfit's brighter
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Muž v bílém topu a bílých kalhotách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
Well, this model doesn't directly scream "I'm a mountain of a man", but compared to the other collections, it's great. Simple white t-shirts are always a good choice (especially if there are some muscles hidden under the t-shirt) and the glasses-belt-watch combination is definitely sexier than a men's handbag and a fishing hat. And these sneakers are pretty cool too! I'm genuinely surprised they're not decorated with stones, dragons or flowers, as is customary with Dolce & Gabbana.
Sweaters! Fluffy!
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Muž v modrých plavkách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
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Muž v modrém svetru a džínách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
Sweater are cool. Sweaters are soft, warm and made for cuddling. And so are the guys wearing them -by default. However, all sweaters aren't the same, and the above characteristics apply to simple, high-quality bodycon sweaters or soft oversized sweaters with a V neckline (the one in the picture is gettin there, but I'm not a great fan of the fabric) or open models, as can be seen in the photo. Yes, some may not consider these manly enough, but if a guy knows how to wear them... awwww!! And this example from the fashion show is totally worth following!
Yes to suits!
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Muž v bílém obleku Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2021Source:
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Muž v modrém outfitu Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2021Source:
A man in a nice suit instantly makes me drool. It may be a cliché, but I can't help it, seeing a man in a suit, a uniform or something equally stylish is, I would venture to say, a bit of an aphrodisiac. (Gentlemen, are you making notes?) As such, I'm overjoyed to see the tiniest hint that this element could return to men's collections. It's not quite there yet, but on the other hand I understand that even our better halves sometimes want to spice up their wardrobe with something bolder. And you know what, why not. I would definitely spare a look for such a guy and admire his courage.
So ladies, if you'd like to indulge in some guilty pleasure, namely plenty of testerone, hurry up and watch the D&G show.
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Muž v modrých kalhotách Dolce & GabbanaSource:
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