A horse in the pool, a horse on a plane, a horse on the passenger seat in a convertible, a horse in a traffic jam in Los Angeles, a horse in a car wash, a horse as a pet hanging out in front of a TV screen, or a horse running with the wind along the beach. Contrary to what we've been used to, the latest Gucci campaign doesn't emphasize beautiful models or luxury clothes, but a symbol of freedom and wildness, a popular solipede from whose back you may very well experience the most beautiful view of the world.
More than a year has passed since Gucci had to deal with the affair concerning the black Balaclava turtleneck, which brought a wave of displeasure from the public. What did the brand do wrong back then? The design of the sweater was reminiscent of blackface, a caricature mocking black people. The brand immediately pulled it off the market and everything was fine. Therefore, when we saw the new SS20 campaign with a horse in atypical situations in the lead role, the first thing that popped up on our minds was that this creative work might have caused another upheaval. But guess what? It didn't!
This may come as a surprise, but animal protectors as well as the general public remained absolutely unfazed this time. Perhaps it was the flawless and artistic execution of the campaign, which encourages you to take one of these four-legged beauties home and, more importantly, to think about the story.
The people behind the campain, creative director Alessandro Michele, film director Yorgos Lanthimos and artistic director Christopher Simmonds, offer the viewers a couple of paradoxical scenarios, as mentioned above, but leave the interpretation entirely up to them.
The tender atmosphere of the entire campaign is perfectly underscored by the song Everybody’s Talkin by Harry Nilsson that accompanies it from start to finish. Bravo, bravo, bravo! Gucci did a great job here. Yet the luxury project has a small catch... We've completely failed to notice what the new SS20 collection actually looks like, what Gucci's offering and selling, but there's one thing we know for sure. Horses must have incredible patience with humans!