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Before the Flood and Much More at the Week of Science and Technology (6 – 12 November)

Mgr. Jana Höger
2. 11. 2017
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Week of Science and Technology

The largest scientific and technical event in the Czech Republic will be taking place already from 6 to 12 November 2017. And the program of its 17th year is packed! It offers the newest findings in development, technology and scientific discoveries. Will the “secret” worksites of the Academy of the Czech Republic open their doors? Come and see!

During the week of science, Leonardo di Caprio will reveal the secret to the future of mankind in “Before the Flood”. This luxurious piece of art produced by National Geographic will be screened in the Světozor cinema in Prague. What more can you look forward to? 

Answer the questions that keep you awake at night!

Did you know that volcanoes can spew out not only lava but also ice? An interesting and hopefully heated discussion will take place on this topic at a lecture in Plzeň. Would you like to know the diet of future generations? What is it like to work on the development of the most powerful lasers in the world and what preceded the launch of first lasers in centers? Nanotechnology, a powerful servant but a bad master? What can we expect from the advancement of artificial intelligence in the near and distant future? These are but a few of the questions that will be discussed within the luxurious Week of Science and Technology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Science inspires and entertains!

The festival is not only about serious topics. Scientists will show visitors that science can be not only inspiring but also a form of luxurious entertainment. In this respect, one needs to highlight the Light and Sound show performed by doctor of chemistry Michael Londesborough. Similarly, FameLab will showcase a selection of the best three minute performance from an international competition. You can even take part in the first luxurious scientific escape game.

Pronájem bytu 2+kk, Praha 8 - 51
Pronájem bytu 2+kk, Praha 8 - 51, Praha 8

This year’s guest: a highly successful special effects artist

The guest of this year’s festival will fly all the way from Los Angeles to tell you about his journey to success. He’s none other than Pavel Kacerle, the creator of visual effect in movies such as Avengers 2, Jurassic World, Iron Man 3, Thor 1 or Captain America. You will have the opportunity to meet him in person!

And finally, good news

Over 500 events will take place all throughout the Czech Republic during the week, introducing luxurious scientific and technological results. Entry to the festival is free, you just need to book it at

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