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The situation in the age of pandemic changes from day to day.

Firsthand experience from Paris: Outside only for an hour and within your immediate neighbourhood! Go no further!

Simona Deutou
26.Mar 2020
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2 minutes
Situaci v Paříži je velmi vážná.

Just a few days ago, children in Paris were going to school and bars were cracking at the seams. Today you can go out only if you have a permission. This weekend, the third doctor in France died of the COVID-19 infection. Every night at 8 o'clock, people come out on the balconies, open their windows and applaud for 1 minute; it is a nice gesture and an acknowledgement of healthcare workers. Usually we applaud as long as 3 minutes, because we don't feel like leaving the balcony and the atmosphere is truly heartwarming. It is really important to realize that doctors and nurses risk their lives for us in hospitals. Being responsible is a must these days!

Na ulici je možné být jen s rouškou.
Pařížské ulice jsou poloprázdné.
Roušky se staly běžnou součástí oděvu.

Like in prison...

You can go to the store, for a walk, to work or see a doctor. But you need to have a permission. We received a form by e-mail where we filled in our personal information. If I need to do one of the aforementioned activities, I have to print out the form, specifying the current date and time when I'm leaving the house and the activity I am heading out to do. When I go for a walk or a run, the activity cannot take longer than an hour and I have to stay within a 1km perimeter around the address written in the form.

You have to carry this paper with you! Our printer is out of order, I hope we'll be able to get it working again, because I'm running out of fresh groceries.

In view of this situation, I decided to order groceries online. But they won't be delivered before April 6th. Yes, that was really the first available delivery date. You've got to admit that the poeple of Prague can consider themselves lucky for having Rohlík. If you go to a grocery store, entry is strictly regulated and only a few people are allowed in at a time. Each time one person leaves the shop, one new person can enter. There are chairs in front of the shops, like in a waiting room, for people who need to sit down. In pharmacies, protective barriers have been installed to protect the pharmacists.

Prodej investičního Ateliéru 19m2-Praha
Prodej investičního Ateliéru 19m2-Praha, Praha 10

The atmosphere on the streets of Paris is touching!

When I go for a walk, people are standing on the balconies and almost everyone greets you with a smile. Not only has the air in Paris completely changed and its quality is excellent, but you can also sense humility, respect and hope that everything will soon be as it was before in the air. I believe it won't be like before; I believe that egoism will disappear and people will remain considerate and kind, the way they are now.

Many people feel grief associated with separation from family and friends. When I moved to Paris, I counted with the fact that I would see my family only on Skype, with visits being limited to Christmas and maybe summer holidays. I am used to this separation and everyone who lives abroad knows what I'm talking about. Of course, I can't wait to finally see them - especially our new addition to the family. Coincidentally, I bought a ticket home for 20.4. and I already know that the flight will be canceled. President Emmanuel Macron extended the quarantine period until April 28, and then we shall see.

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Žena v roušce je v Paříži dnes denním obrázkem.
Žena v roušce je v Paříži dnes denním obrázkem.Source: Profimedia

Currently, the situation is escalating, the number of the infected is rising. Yesterday, we had 25,233 infected and 1,331 dead in France. At this point it is difficult to estimate when the contagion will culminate. The virologists claim that the situation in Italy is almost reaching its peak and that the number of the infected will start gradually decreasing. More countries will follow. Some optimists believe that pupils will return to their classrooms this school year. I'm one of them. Hope dies last!

I believe we can make it!

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