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What does the entire project look like? In what way will the hospital be unique?

The first smart hospital in Slovakia. A 240 million EUR investment

Kristina Valachyová
04.Mar 2021
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5 minutes
Zdravotní sestra

A top of the line futuristic hospital is being built in Bratislava. This is the largest private investment into Slovak healthcare, worth 240 million EUR (CZK 6.3 billion). The hospital could receive the first patients at the start of 2023. The hospital will have five floors on which it will provide comprehensive medical care, including the treatment of the most serious diagnoses from all over Slovakia.

Pokoj - porodnice

Futuristic facility

The futuristic building can be understood as a symbol of a new generation of healthcare in Slovakia. The author of the design is the Dutch studio Dutch Health Architects, which has won an international tender and has already finalized over 80 completed hospital projects around the world.

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Nemocnice na Borech
Nemocnice na BorechSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

The building does not look like a classic hospital. The dominant element of the entrance part will be a glass facade over two floors with an entrance turnstile, a large central reception and an open staircase.

Prodej luxusní vily 284 m2 Statenice, Praha
Prodej luxusní vily 284 m2 Statenice, Praha, Praha 6

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Centrální recepce
Centrální recepceSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

A characteristic feature of the hospital is also a facade made out of plastic panels, which will be shaped into a letter V and each of them will have a different angle of curvature.

An environment that heals

The purpose of the massive glazed areas is to allow daylight to penetrate into the hospital interior as much as possible, which is one of the main pillars of creating an environment where patients will feel good.

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Hlavní recepce
Hlavní recepceSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

The individual atriums of the hospital are realized using garden architecture in various themes and can thus also serve as intuitive navigation elements for visitors moving inside the building. The interior design is based on the concept of so-called "Evidence Based Design", which strives to achieve the most optimal functionality. It consists of wood, greenery and pastel colours, which have a calming effect on the human psyche. The hospital will also have green roofs.

Top tier equipment

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Moderní vybavení
Moderní vybaveníSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

The hospital will have a modern new-age emergency reception. It will include two resuscitation emergency rooms with a direct connection to radiodiagnostic workplaces, such as CT, MR, X-ray, and will be a short trip away from central operating rooms or the intensive care unit.

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Urgentní příjem
Urgentní příjemSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

As part of emergency care, patients will be classified according to the severity of their health condition.

The core activities will be carried out within six main interdisciplinary clinical programs. These include the maternity program, the orthopedic-traumatology program, the neurovascular program, the metabolic and digestive disorders program, the oncology and cardiovascular program. The patient should undergo all the necessary examinations and treatments, regardless of the medical specialization. The new hospital will also treat common diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or gallbladder disease.

Prodej luxusní vily 7+kk, Praha východ - 370m2
Prodej luxusní vily 7+kk, Praha východ - 370m2, Okolí Prahy

Smart elevators

The transport of people and material between the individual floors will be carried out using eight elevators with doors opening from both sides. A sophisticated control system ensures that unauthorized persons do not enter areas to which they should not have access. At the same time, it will allow priority rides. For example, a doctor called to resuscitate a patient will have absolute priority, the nearest free lift will be called for them immediately and they will be taken to the desired location without stopping. Also, the elevator carrying a paramedic with medical waste will not stop anywhere to avoid contamination.

There will be more than 400 beds

All of the intensive care in the new hospital is based around the concept of single rooms, which is not common in Slovakia. As a result, patients will not come into contact with each other.

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Lůžkové oddělení
Lůžkové odděleníSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

Each patient will have a TV screen, which, in addition to cable TV and Internet access, will also be linked to the hospital information system. The patient will be able to view their treatment plan, view the menu, read hospital announcements or order additional services via the screen. If the patient's diagnosis allows, they will be able to order, for example, a coffee and a sandwich straight out of bed and have it delivered to their room. A neat technological gadget will be radiating panels placed on the ceiling, ensuring comfortable temperatures in patients' rooms.

Modern appointments for examinations

A fundamental change compared to the current situation will be the system of phone and electronic appointment making. After arriving at the hospital, the patient simply registers at the central reception, or through a kiosk, and the hospital will take care of them. These days, when a patient comes for an examination, they often move around the building and are not sure if they are in the right place. They have no idea what will follow and who to turn to.

Here, the patients will know in advance what examinations and procedures await them. All procedures will be carried out by the hospital, they will not have to look for anything themselves. Medical care will also be based around the principle of one doctor - one patient. This means that throughout the entirety of their hospital stay, the patient will know who their doctor is.

Maternity rooms instead of boxes

The births will take place in an intimate environment in specially furnished delivery rooms of the hotel standard, which will be equipped as full-fledged delivery rooms. Expectant mothers will spend the whole birth in them, they won't have to be moved anywhere.

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Porodní pokoj s inkubátorem
Porodní pokoj s inkubátoremSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

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Pokoj - porodnice
Pokoj - porodniceSource: ProCare, Svet zdravia

If there are no complications, the mother will be taken to a standard room after giving birth. The presence of a loved one during the whole birth will be guaranteed.

The drugs will be prepared by a robot

Medicines for patients will be prepared by the CDP unit - the central drug preparation. The nurses will no longer have to prepare the drugs manually. Based on the medications prescribed by the doctor, the automated machine will prepare a package with the prescribed dose for each patient at a specified time and mark it with a unique QR code. The drug preparation process will, of course, be subject to several degrees of monitoring. Before the nurse gives the patient the medicine, she will have to scan her identification code, then the identification code on the patient's bracelet they'd received upon admission, and finally the identification code of the medicine package.

Tube mail

Underground pneumatic tube mail will ensure fast and safe transport of samples of biological material, drugs and documents. The capsules will move in the pneumatic tubes at a speed of up to five meters per second, so that they can reach the laboratories from anywhere in the hospital within a maximum of a few minutes.

Interest in working at the hospital is growing

The hospital plans to employ 1,400 people, consisting of about 300 doctors and 900 nurses.

"People have been contacting about jobs here for more than two years and we have had dozens of initial meetings. We are interested in the most experienced specialists from individual medical disciplines that the labour market offers. A special category presents Slovak doctors and nurses working abroad, who we would like to attract back home. Many of them became interested in the new hospital even before the construction itself started,"

Jana Fedáková, communication specialist for ProCare and Svět zdraví, told

A significant benefit, especially for nurses, will be the possibility of affordable housing in a new dormitory.

The hospital is also ready to manage an epidemic

The hospital will also have nine isolation rooms with so-called air-locks, which will be used for the hospitalization of infectious patients infected with highly virulent respiratory diseases. The vacuum seal will ensure that air from these special rooms does not reach the hospital corridor. Insulated air conditioning will enable separate circuits within the individual parts of the building. The hospital has designed short routes to move these critical patients around the building. The vast majority of them are completely isolated from areas where outpatients or visitors may be located.

One of the key promises is also the hospital's specialization in procedures that are not yet commonly performed in Slovakia. But same as state hospitals, the treatment will be covered by public health insurance.

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