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We're all human, but aren't equal

FAIR AND SQUARE: I married a black man and became the target of criticism

Karolína Lišková
06.Jun 2020
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3 minutes
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Coronavirus and quarantine can suck it, have a bigger problem in America than an invisible deadly virus. Visible, deadly white weapons disguised as men of the law. These days, it's like Middle Ages all over again across the big pond. Only with modern technologies. And it didn't take much to spark it off. Kneeling on a dark-skinned criminal, suffocating him with a knee on his neck for nine minutes before he died. A racist attack or simply an unfortunate accident?

You know, no matter what anybody says, racism has always ruled the world, and for some inexplicable reason, it's still here today. And unfortunately, it's gaining strength.

I understand that there are certain prejudices going around about people with a different skin color. For example, we have a Roma minority in our country, and sadly, they've created a terrible reputation for themselves. Few people think of them differently than as of individuals who don't want to work, are uneducated, lazy and abuse the state system in the form of social benefits, even though not all of them are like that. The second boyfriend I've had in my life had a Roma mother and it was a beautiful, kind family.

Prodej investičního bytu - Praha 6 - 2+kk -
Prodej investičního bytu - Praha 6 - 2+kk -, Praha 6

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Source: Pixabay

Established stereotypes

In the West, when a guy is as black as night, he is automatically considered a criminal. Sure, this particular dead man had a criminal past, but this one time, he had no idea that he was paying with a fake banknote in the shop. I've been to America several times and I also happened upon a fake twenty bucks. Fact is that they're in circulation and we have no way of preventing one from finding its way into our wallet.

The white policeman acted excessively - whether it was because he has a thing against the colored population, or because he simply had a shitty day due to a bad break up, which made him a little more aggressive, that's something we'll never learn. There's no way. One thing is for sure: one man is dead. One man is dead and thousands of people are out in the streets, demonstrating for everyone's rights.

I'm honestly sad about it. I like all people, you know. At least I think I do, even though I'm not a fan of the fact that Asians sip loudly and fart while eating. But it's part of their culture, I guess. I remember the times when I dated guys from Africa. They were all educated boys from good families who came to Europe to study and then make a career. Today they are the heads of big banks or excellent doctors.

Nevertheless, I became the target of criticism. At that time, I was completely shocked by what my then dark-skinned partner had to go through in my country. At twenty, I had no idea what kind of hatred a different skin color could evoke. Once, someone even spat in front of us. At one point, he was attacked by bald guys in a bar. He never reacted, never said a word; he simply tolerated it. That's the way things are, he said. Everywhere in the world.

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Source: Pixabay

Black love

There's a saying that goes among white women: "Try black, never go back." I have to say it's true. Black men are generally very attentive to women and can make you feel like a goddess. And I'm not talking only about intimacy here, although in this area, you really don't have to be afraid of finding some little thing, if you know what I mean.

Of course, unless you find yourself a rapist, a drug addict or a gangster. But there are white guys like that, too. Thanks to my experience with men of color, I was even refusing to date anyone else for a time. I loved one of them so much that I got married to him. It wasn't because he needed Czech citizenship. It was out of pure love. The relationship may not have lasted, but that happens all the time in this day and age...

The only white woman in the room

When I lived and worked across the great pond, it often happened to me that I was the only white woman on the train or in the room. I thought that there was no way racism could still exist there, because black people, Latino people and a number of other races were normally co-existing, working and having fun together. And lo and behold. It's not true. There, too, a white guy seems a black guy and automatically protects his wallet.

As a blue-eyed blonde, I'm told to have an easier life than dark skinned beauties. I'm supposed to be of the superior race. I've never believed it myself, I like people of all colors. The important thing is if have a good heart.

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Source: Pixabay

The Arab world

Nowadays, however, I perceive fear of the Arab world, especially among Europeans. Due to the constant terrorist attacks, of course. But we need to realize that every person is unique,and when you meet a gentleman here with a turban on his head, it doesn't automatically mean he's about to blow up Prague Castle.

There are good and bad people among members of every race. And we should all be equal. But even though Martin Luther King tried his best, it will never happen. It simply won't, that's my honest opinion. What's yours?

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