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She wants to create wearable fashion from the unwearable kind!

Fast confession - designer and stuntwoman in one, Petra Ptáčková: My fashion is too crazy for the Czechs

Dominika Žejdl
07.Sep 2018
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6 minutes

Whoever knows her knows she's a little crazy, but her special personality makes her as exceptional as she is. Czech fashion designer Petra Ptáčková offers us a unique, distinctive style that tells stories. She may not have many supporters here, but in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, New York or Paris they love her fashion. It is different and has meaning. Petra told Luxury Prague Life magazine that apart from the crazy models that every collection of hers is full of, she is gradually starting to focus on wearable fashion. What are her plans?

How did the preparations for this year's spring fashion week go?

Preparations for the spring MBPFW were challenging. As always, a huge chaos and doing everything at the last minute. However, when I look back at it all, I realize that it was actually really fun.

Luxusní vila 5+kk na pronájem, Praha západ
Luxusní vila 5+kk na pronájem, Praha západ, Okolí Prahy

What was the worst thing about the preparations for you?

I don't really focus on the overall preparation any more. I would say that compared to the real and crazy problems that sometimes happen in life, it's all silly. But to be honest, the worst for me is the night before the presentation. Everything comes together and connects and I usually find that the whole collection is a misstep and that I do not like it at all. That's probably the worst.

How would you describe your new collection and what is the best thing about it?

What I love most about my collection for this autumn and winter is its sense of humor. Each of my collections is always a special one, and what I like about this one is that it's stupid, ironic, exaggerated, and it even has variability. I would like to add important concepts such as recycling and zero waste cuts. For me, the key elements of the collection are hats and transformable backpack-jackets.

How did you choose the material?

Selecting material is very important to me. I think about it a lot. This time I made my choice with regard to fashion sustainability, because regardless of whether it is a trend, I care about where the material comes from and I am not indifferent to what I offer people. So, of course, I am interested in criteria such as the quality, comfort and function of the material. These backpack-jackets were created with the help of the Eye Level Agency, which supplies me with their used banners to create a high end raincoats.

What exactly is the material you used from Eye Level?

They are 100% polyester textile fabrics, printed with color motifs. The printing technology used is sublimation and UV printing technology, as well as latex inks. The weight of the canvas is about 165 g/m2, it is a durable material, which is mainly used in so-called lightboxes, that is, light frames, windows and other advertising banners. Only in 2017, Eye Level sent a total of 12 500 square meters of banners to stores and exhibitions, roughly equivalent to two and a half football pitches.

That's really very interesting. And I doubt anyone would guess looking at the designs.

It's a small secret that you don't notice at first glance, but it makes sense and it looks great.

Where did you look for inspiration when creating the collection?

I don't look for inspiration anywhere, it always comes to me somehow. It is everywhere. It's hard to describe, because it would take too long to list. Inspiration comes when one is able to vent certain outlets, connect to the world, things, people, sounds, silence, moods, smells, and more. You certainly won't find it on your mobile or google. There is no experience there. So inspiration is definitely something for me that I need to experience myself.

Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108
Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108, Praha 1

How would you describe your work?

Everyone can feel it from my words. All you need is to talk to me for a few moments and look at my approach to life. My fashion is a sense of humor, my own illustrations, storytelling, multi-functionality, unworldliness, a system in chaos, a certain timelessness, because I don't really follow trends, processing, etc. What's important for me is detail, play, puzzles, hand techniques vs. rough processing. That's me, and that's my work.

Do you prefer working in the Czech Republic or abroad? And why?

Definitely abroad. There are more obstacles and barriers such as language and that one does not know the place like his hometown. There is also more competition, but on the other hand, one feels the possibilities of a market without borders. No matter where you are, today you can actually do great things anywhere and stay in Prague. But even so, so far my creations are far more acceptable and understandable to people outside than here in our country. Sometimes it is pure art or too crazy and out there fashion, which a lot of people here are not used to.

What is the difference between work here and behind the border?

People generally see the difference between tailoring, general sewing and sewing a fashion collection, end customer work, or design work. Anything crazy is usually feasible, and if not, it is at least attempted. In our case, things are quite restrictive in terms of creation, it is a relatively painful process. Working abroad really opens my eyes. I am discovering that in addition to art pieces, I also want to do a little more commercial fashion, and that I want to sell clothes that people will wear. Which is perhaps a given for somebody and a basic factor, but for me it was way down the list for quite a long time.

What do you enjoy there the most and what attracts you?

What I most enjoy abroad are the people. It is an endless source of energy, fun and learning at the same time. A kind of psychology, without people a city does not live, does not exist. And everything is developed based on them. The culture, the food, the language, the use of colors, their gesticulation and so on. I can sit and watch passing people for days. It's much better than reading a book. And less demanding for the eyes. I don't work with words, I just experiencing everything in detail with my senses.

What global models would you like on your show and why?

To admit, I am not very into models. For the past few seasons I have been thinking about not even sewing outfits for the shows that require those absurd measurements that are dictated in the fashion world. I just want to deal with normal people, those I like for their personality and maybe sense of humor.

What world fashion week is the best for you, where is it and why?

I think maybe Paris. It's still that important place where all the business takes place and important deals are closed. But London and its mood is great. It's crazy there. Each of the two cities is enchanting in its own way.

What is the difference in the approach of fashion designers abroad and in our country?


I see you have a clear view on that. I wanted to ask about your stunt career. Do you still do it?

Honestly, I unfortunately don't have time. It's logical when you think about it. I haven't discovered how to stretch out the day yet. During the day I'm mostly in motion, I'm constantly flying somewhere and the boys sometimes don't even know that I'm in the Czech Republic and could shoot something. There is no time.

Tell me, how does a girl like you become a stuntwoman?

Chance or accident. You could call it that. While filming a commercial as an actress, I had some dance action and the coordinator asked me if I wanted to come to their training.

What do you enjoy the most?

Living as a stuntwomman? Isn't that what everyone wants? It's the dream. And I've loved Belmondo since childhood.

Have you ever been afraid? Have you ever been worried that something will happen to you?

Fear only gets in the way and delays. Always remember that. On the other hand, it's also healthy to be afraid to some extent. Anyone who knows me can confirm that I have no fear in me. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have some every now and then. To have a little more. I would have at least saved myself a couple of stupid and very painful injuries.

I understand that it's pretty dangerous, but it's probably full of adrenaline.

Yes, and I really enjoyed it. But nowadays fashion is the most important.

What is your dream?

I'm basically fulfilling my dream all the time. I do what I want. Since I was little I have not given up most of the activities that went on to form and still form my personality. Who I am. I somehow actually to succeed in combining all the chaos together.

...another thing I want is still that goddamn world peace.

You want to achieve that?

Of course! Let everyone live in peace.

Where would you like to have your boutique?

Everywhere and nowhere. I have a lot of places I love and where I feel at home. My boutique should be such a floating craft that will just emerge wherever depending on my mood.

What do you enjoy most about fashion?

People and the fact that they live and move in it and that the clothes work together with them. It is a very powerful thing that I can influence how people feel while experiencing things. How they will respond to the world and the world in turn to them. It's like painting a picture that will come alive. And that is an endless love and passion for me.

What has changed for you since spring?

I'm currently working on developing new things and collaborations that are very time consuming. I have been moving from creating collections closer to artistic projects. In addition, I can lighten up the collections and thus transfer them to wearability. So what is really new is that I'm really trying to make my collections in such a way that people can wear them.

Why are not you in the autumn MBPFW?

Unfortunately I did not have the capacity for it anymore. At the moment I'm doing a collection that is supposed to function as costumes for the upcoming LA Putyka show titled ADHD. The premiere is October 21st, so maybe we will see each other there.

Fast confession:

What color represents your outlook on life?


Who is your muse?

David Bowie.

Your three worst qualities?

indecision, hyperactivity and disorganization and chaos.

What world celebrity would you like at your show?

David Bowie.

Do you prefer designing for women or men?

For men.

If you could snap your fingers and move away anywhere...What city would it be?

New York.

AnchorLondon or Madrid?


Which global fashion brand would you like to work with?

All right, yeah, that's the hardest question.

What is your dream?

Maybe to be happy.

What requirements would you never fulfill for your clients?

I always try to satisfy them.

Work under pressure or stress-free?

Under pressure it has its magic.

The strangest place you have slept?

The stairs.

AnchorYour deviation?

I wonder what's the most deviant. I wear the same things all the time.

Your scariest stunt experience?

The weirdest?
Or the most frightening.
Maybe falling down the stairs.
The interviewee asks the editor:

How are you?

Fine, thank you.
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